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As a child we are bombarded by the ideas of fairy tales and princesses; happily ever after a with the man of our dreams 

These are lies at best, promises spoken in the heat of the moment, meaning to give us hope.

We make up stories and fantasies, listing after unreachable goals.

We strive for the unattainable, but never confess that we are just creating webs from lies.

We look for princes on white horses to take us away to their big castles. But...

It's more realistic to search for frogs, I mean it's something, right?

We are desperate in the way we reach for unidealistic dreams, scrambling to disguise the fact that we are no better than anyone else.

Our personal truths are much too common for anyone to take us seriously.

We struggle and strive to get on top, challenge ourselves 'til we collapse in exhaustion.

Reality is too heavy a burden to carry on our shoulders but we trek on, guided by our own ambitions.

We force ourselves to take the difficult path for asking our pride being damaged.

We could have given up, taken the easy path...but what's the fun in that?

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