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These thoughts that you're reading are her inner feelings, so encompassing that I have no choice but to jot them down. Words spewing from her mind at a million per second, lost in a jumbled mess of insanity that she hides so carefully from this twisted society we call normal. One wrong sentence, word, letter. Kiss your life good bye. They will laugh until you cry. They will feel joy at your pain. They will sleep peacefully as you tie the knot at your neck. They will be the ones to kick the chair out from under your feet as they complain about how bullying is such a big issue. The verbal whips they release from the dark, rotten pits they call mouths continue to lash at the ones who show vulnerability. In what world is that fair? Instead of calling her crazy you should look into a reflective surface and see what you really are. The tendrils of hatred that somehow escaped from your mouthes may have swallowed her whole but at least she can look in the mirror and see herself and not some mutated soul looking for a way to fix itself through the pain of others. If bringing others to a point where they kill themselves is your kind of party, count her out. She'd rather be outcasted then treat others so harshly. She'd rather take the slashes from the whips that you let loose then let you unleash them on some other vulnerable soul. You may cry tears of salt, but she cries tears of blood. You will flash fake smiles, while she gives genuine ones because even though she may be drowning in a pit of self hatred at least she has the drive to make others feel important. Even though her own happiness is locked in a box she is unable to reach, she will still attempt to make you happy, brighten your day, or elicit a smile. Because at the end of the day, she puts trying to find her own happiness second to bringing out that sacred emotion in others. She finds contentment in this large gift that she dishes out to the shadows, waiting for praise and acceptance. These words that you have read are an insight to her inner self. Look deep but not too deep or the tendrils will take you by the hand and pull you back into the box they have stuffed her, to keep her there forever.

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