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Dragged into a deep, bottomless pit, trapped for

Eternity. No way to get out. You’re stuck in the past, memories replaying over and over. You try to

Push away all the bad feelings that you can’t seem to hide from. You

Rescue other but can’t rescue yourself. All this wasted

Energy on something so sad yet so stigmatized that it must stay hidden inside. Festering.

Scars form artwork up and down your wrists and arms, reminding you every. single. moment.

Seems as if you can’t survive without feeding your ever-lurking demons. But

Imagine a world with no pain or hurting. Not corrupted by mankind and our emotions. A world free of all

Our suffering. Where nothing could touch us, change us…

Now come back to reality and realize there is nothing you can do to stop the downward spiral from sanity that will slowly encompass your soul.

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