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The darkness surrounds you, caresses you, makes you feel at home. Tendrils creep out, slithering towards you. They wrap around your body, essence soul. Shadows circle, watching, waiting. Trying to scare their prey. you're their prey. You cant escape, it's too late. They hold onto you, no light coming to help. They pull you back to where they came from. No point in struggling or trying to break free. We all die eventually, you and me. The shadows speak cruel lies and truths, make you think twice about the good things you do. The whispers grow louder til they're almost screams. Plug your ears. It doesn't work. You cut, you drink, the shadows just laugh. There's no way out. Listen to them, do as they say. They're only trying to help but in the wrong way. There is always hope! Scream and shout until someone hears you. The light will be blinding, you're finally saved! Next time the lights turn out just remember you're flashlight, the soul that helped. You're not alone.

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