Chapter 15: Not in The Kitchen

Start from the beginning

Lewis watched his hands as they worked on kneading his blonde gumdrop's shoulders. Moving his fingers in small circles, digging in to get all tension to release from those muscles.

His mind then began to turn...into a different direction.

I could get used to this view~. And he should start getting used to this feeling of me being behind him. I wanna ram his sweet and gorgeous fucking--

"HEEEELP!" Vivi's scream echoed through the house.

Arthur and Lewis shot forwards with zero hesitation, running as fast as they could to the direction of her scream. Arthur and Lewis both tore down a hallway, rounding a corner almost too fast and rushed down the hallway with the paintings, eyes following them and armor suit heads turning to follow them as well.

In the center of the hallway was an opened trapdoor, and Vivi, holding onto the opening for dear life as she hung, dangling above a black abyss. Lewis and Arthur moved to her frightened side, and both grabbed an arm before pulling her out of the hole.

"How did you manage to fall in there!?" Lewis growled out, dusting her off with worry and concern, him and Arthur both looking her over for any wounds.

"Ehehe, I was studying the paintings and I sorta pulled the string to hard and the floor opened. From the first time we came here remember?" Vivi shakily smiled.

"Jesus Vivi be more careful! You nearly gave me a heart attack." Arthur shakily hissed.

"Everything. Nearly gives you a heart attack my skittish bean." Vivi patted the side Arthur's now unamused face.

"Yeah, whatever." Arthur sighed tiredly and stood himself up, popping his back and running a hand through his hair.

Arthur exited the hallway, leaving the two alone to go venture into the kitchen for some depression snacks.

Lewis and Vivi both watched him leave, before sighing and helping one another stand. Lewis checked her over once more for any wounds or scratches before dubbing her safe.

"I'm fine, Lew." Vivi smiled weakly, before smirking. "So~! Anything juicy happen between the two of you yet?" Vivi asked eagerly, wiggling her eyebrows on suggestion.

"We...kissed. A couple times. But he and I still have a lot of baggage that he can't really add too. He wants it, don't get me wrong. I can tell he does~." Lewis smirked to himself, blushing weakly, but the smile fell, and he sighed heavily. " But as much as wants us to work, there are a couple things we need to work through. This arm of his being one of them."

"Hey~! Kissing is a good start!" Vivi giggled and clapped her hands together. "Better then nothing am I right? I'm just, happy for you two. Arthur...needs someone to make him truly happy. He's a very secretive person when it comes to his emotions and what's bugging him. I mean, his arm for instance. Mystery explained that he was probably hiding it...for a while before telling us." Vivi winced and gripped her jacket, frost slowly swallowing the area under her fingers, her shivering. "And...his...stress is probably overbearing." She quickly snapped out of her funk, frost thawing away.

Lewis, however, caught that with a glare of interest and concern. "Need to vent?"

"I don't wanna trouble you with my issues." Vivi smiled weakly.

"All issues are relevant. If you don't address them it will only grow. Trust me. It sucks. Whatcha thinking Vivs?" Lewis asked, leaning against the wall.

Vivi bit the inside of her lip before exhaling lightly. She looked over at the ghost and frowned softly. "It's just, well...Arthur..." She mumbled, her sleeve growing frost covered. "I... I am going to sound terrible but bear with me. Okay?" Vivi shivered again.

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