Chapter 7: Is He-!?

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Arthur woke up with a sharp gasp, about thirty minutes after passing out. Panic sparked through him and he looked around before pushing himself up with his singular arm. He stared every inch of that room down, and swallowed harshly. A loud knock erupted from his door, causing him to shriek loudly and dive to the other side of his bed, shaking and tearing up, genuinely terrified.

"Arthur, it's just me." Vivi spoke from the other side of the door, before opening it and walking in, though, when she saw his terrified expression she froze mid-step. "Arthur?"

Arthur stared her down, panting heavily, trembling and crying from the shock of that crazy experience that gave him literal PTSD from the caves. He took a moment to catch his breathe before calming down a little, looking more exhausted than anything.

"I-I just knocked, are, are you okay? Was I'd because we were staring?" Vivi shrunk a little, guilt and concern lacing her features.

Arthur blinked away the last of his tears and scooted away from the corner before standing, shaking his head.

"N-No, no it wasn't. I-I uh... just got lost head." Arthur whispered weakly. "Now isn't a g-good time. Please, leave me alone." Arthur mumbled, staring at her tiredly.

"Arthur I'm concerned! You've never gotten that worked up over a knock once in your life sense I've known you! Tell me what's wrong now." Vivi folded her arms in a motherly fashion.

Arthur tensed, feeling cornered as he backed up more, feeling the nightstand behind him. He went to speak, but his mouth only closed. He felt waves of self hate and selfishness eat him up.

"Good job. You made her worry~."

I'm so selfish...B-But i-

"Life will be hell, if you utter a peep."

They deserve to know...

"They deserve better than you.",

"It's nothing..." Arthur sighed and walked over, and gently grabbed her shoulders, walking her backwards until she left the room by his guidance. "I said please." He paused, stressing his last word.

Vivi frowned and nodded, sheepishly rubbing her arms and backing up some, watching as he shut the door. Vivi frowned further and placed a hand on his door, closing her eyes before sighing.

Vivi turned around and walked out into the living room, to spot Lewis looking at her with curiosity, his head tilted, and Mystery watched her walk in with the same interest, but she only smiled weakly and sat down in her seat, brushing her pajama pants some before sighing.

"Arthur's feeling tired. He went back to sleep." Vivi hummed, fiddling with her nails under the table.

"It wasn't because of me staring was it?" Lewis frowned heavily, looking regretful, wincing.

"He normally hates it when people stare. But, I... Think he was just tired, and shy considering you helped fill me in on everything. You and him being friends and an accident happening." Vivi hummed. "I'm sure you will work it out though, tings just... Take time." Vivi smiled weakly.

"Yeah, things do." Lewis sighed, his shoulders sagging.

"So, about you and him..." Vivi hummed, folding her arms onto the table. "You two were close?" Vivi asked.

"Yeah." Lewis smiled softly. "Me and him met a long while ago. He used to come over, and my siblings would mess with him. They'd poor hot sauce in his drinks and pull his hair." Lewis chuckled to himself. "Me and him gamed, cooked, talked about a lot. You know, girls, body image, life." Lewis sighed and looked down at his locket, feeling warmer thinking back. "Despite me being dead, it still makes me smile, messing him was funny."

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