Chapter 15: Not in The Kitchen

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Happy Christmas Eve!!! And thank you so much for the over 1.5k reads! That's insane! Thank you so much hehe. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chappie as much as I do~


"So you have been standing out here, pacing for the past day?" Arthur asked with a gruff scratch to his voice, holding a cigarette in his hand, and a bottle of beer in the other, sitting on the steps just outside of the Manor.

"Yes, I have. I have been keeping an eye out for your arm. Knowing that is more than likely going to be the form it chooses." Mystery nodded, sitting down by Arthur's feet. "You look like shit. What happened?"

Arthur hummed with amusement and grumpiness." Swallowed Holy Water to get rid of it from being inside me. But, it didn't fully work. It just reduced him to a very tiny size. He can't even talk to me anymore, but I do feel watched from time to time. But it's nice." Arthur smiled.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad. Your behavior in the van yesterday was concerning. You should be resting instead of sitting out here in the chill air, drinking and smoking." Mystery hummed.

"Yeah, I'm not very fond of sleep." Arthur sighed. "There's too much going on for that. I'm just going to stay awake and find things to do about the house."

"You need to be at your full strength for when your arm comes, Arthur." Mystery wearily spoke.

"It can't even get near me with that barrier up. I'm fine." Arthur hummed and finished his cigarette, flicking it onto the ground, watching the glowing embers of tobacco burn themselves out.

"..." Mystery studied Arthur's face before sighing to himself, going Kitsune mode, and stretching. "Just think about sleep. Nightmares aside, you need it. And I'm glad you found a temporary solution to your issue. Once the rest of him is dealt with, we can focus on drawing the rest of it out of you." Mystery smiled softly.

Arthur watched him with caution and nodded. "Yeah..." He hummed, drinking from his bottle before finishing it, and yeeting it into a nearby trashcan it landing roughly into the trashcan expertly.  "Let me guess, holy water?" Arthur groaned.

"Possibly. However Vivi must be nearly out. There is another option." Mystery offered.

Arthur sighed angrily and stood himself up, brushing his coat off.

"In your fucking dreams." Arthur sourly hissed before stomping back inside.

Arthur slammed the door behind him before whacking it with his metal arm, pissed!

I suffered! I drank that fucking scalding water and I'm no longer plagued by any terrible thoughts or even emotions caused by my thing! Mystery still wants me to get....and he knows--! FUCK!

"Damn!" Arthur grit his teeth, shaking as his memories of being possessed flashed through his skull.

"Something's got you pissed." Lewis chimed, hovering on over to Arthur from the stairs.

"It's..." Arthur growled before sighing, letting his anger deflate at the face of Lewis's curious and innocent looking expression. "'s nothing."

"Well it's obviously something. But I won't press you. You've endured a lot, and I don't want to make you endure anything else that's going to make you mad or stressed." Lewis hummed and moved behind Arthur, beginning to message his shoulders.

"Thank you for being understanding." Arthur smiled weakly, a faint blush dusting his face.

"No prob." Lewis smiled.

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