f i f t e e n

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Sakura pov

  “Who knew we were all in the same class and course.” Minho said, all the "22" year olds were sitting beside each other. Sowon unnie had convinced Umiji and SinB to join us in school.

  “What do you think we're doing today, Mrs Lin looks nervous.” Donghyun questioned, we all turned our heads towards Mrs Lin.

  “Something dangerous perhaps.” I guessed. Soon the lesson started and Mrs Lin gained attention from the whole class.

  “Class, as you know Vampires are real. Today we'll be studying about them. How you may ask, we'll be study from the vampire themselves.” Mrs Lin said. Could they be bringing in Vamps?

  “Mrs Lin, aren't vampires dangerous and they drink our blood?” Jungwoo asked.

  “Don't worry guys. These vampires are perfectly tamed. They won't attack.” Mrs Lin talked about Vamps like they were animals.

  The door then opened and it entered 2 armed guys, following them was 7 males. They looked like they had no emotions. “Enhyphen.” Umji mumbled, all of our ears caught it.

  “Class, form into groups of 6. You'll get to learn more about the vampires in those groups.” Mrsin instructed, our class was rather small with only 42 students.

  The 6 of us vamps formed into a group. Then each group was given a vampire, it's horrible, they treated those vamps like experiments.

  “They're controlled, under some drug perhaps that makes them follow instructions. They also can't hear us telephaticly talk.” SinB informed us.

  “You can just command them to do anything. You can also ask any question, they answer truthfully.” Mrs Lin said.

  “Um, open up your mouth?” I randomly said, we needed to do something. The vampire opened up his mouth, we couldn't see any fangs.

  “Mrs Lin, why doesn't this vampire have fangs?” SinB asked.

  “Good question Eunbi. They've removed the vampires fangs so they don't be able to bite us if they get out of control.” Mrs Lin explained. That was super cruel of them,  we used removing of fangs as a punishment. They must not know that fangs grow back as well.

  “What's your name and how old are you?” Minho asked.

  “I'm Jungwon and my human age is 18, my vampire age is too old to remember.” Jungwon said. He was right, none of us remember our vampire age.

  “Did they really remove your fangs?” Donghyun asked. Umji and SinB were currently walking around Jungwon inspecting him.

  “Bingo.” SinB whispered, she reached out her hands onto Jungwon's neck and pulled out a metal peice. The metal peice was burned immediately to metal vapour.

  “Don't do anything. We're here to help. Now pretend your still under control.” Umji quickly told Jungwon.

  We continued "doing" the project, aka just Minho and Jungwoo completing our papers while the rest of us question Jungwon.

  “Jungwon right? You'll need to give us your location when you go back to where ever you cams from. We'll break you guys out.” I told Jungwon and he nodded.

  “We'll question more when you guys are out.” Donghyun mentioned. The only information we asked from him was about the group, it was too risky to ask anything else.

  Lesson ended and we all went back to our respective homes to tell our leaders of what we found. Then we all we gathered at the Castle to form a plan.

One thing, does anyone else see fanfics like a show? Like you gotta give them "screen time"?

Yeah that's what I do and I panic if someone doesn't have enough "screen time."

Now go and stream Panorama


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