f o u r

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  “Chaeyeon unnie! I found something!” Ryujin said excited, i walked over to her and she passed me a book.

  “Vampires from other countries?” Intresting. We teleported back me and Han's place and started reading through the books we thought will be helpful.

  I flipped through the book and found Chenle's name with a few others.

• Name : Zhong Chenle
• Eyes : Purple
• Powers : Shape shifting

• Name : Huang Renjun
• Eyes : Purple
• Powers : Invisibility


  They were the only two royals in the book, I continued reading and found out that some of them moved to Korea. There was no mention about their names or any information. This is going to be hard.

  I took out my phone and Mark had messaged me. He gave me some information and their leaders phone number, i decided to message him.



Hi, this is Chaeyeon
are you Taeyong?

What if I am?

Mark have me your nunber but i wanted to check whether
if you really are Taeyong

Why did Mark give
you my number?

I asked him to, I guess
your Taeyong then.

Can we meet up in person to discuss about the new government rules, it's going to bring down alot of Vamps.

How do you know
i can trust you?

I can take pictures of the vampire history books? I have them with me now.

Fair enough

[ *inssert photo* ]

Ok i believe you...

Let's meet up at the castle,
it's a place no one can eavesdrop

But isn't the government
going to destroy it?

Don't worry i casted a spell do they can't destory the castle and village

Ok, how about
3pm tomorrow?

Ok, it'll not just be me though.
You can bring some people along



  I'm thinking of bringing Eunbi, Chaewon, Minju, Wonyoung and Sakura because Eunbi is the oldest and the others are royals as well. “We now got 23 more vamps, I'll be meeting their leader tomorrow.” i told the group what i found.


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