ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙

Start from the beginning

" Who's getting a troubled ride?" She asked me. I looked at the two boys. Tommy seemed more chill. "Tommy you get midnight" He nodded. I had to get on the horse to help him up. Once he was in a settlement I hoped off.

"Should we give will peanut or Sofia '' She offered two options. "Peanut. Sofia's to sweet for him you can lead with Sofia I'll be at the back so they don't die Wil, will be next to you Tubbo you in the very middle Tommy your in front of me but behind Tubbo '' I explain the order. Alex quickly teaches the boys what and what not to do until we get to the beach part of the trail. I hoped on snowflake.

"Wait, does she still do shows?" I turned and asked Alex. She smiled and nodded. I trot over to the course. I hoped down and opened the pin a lead her in. I quickly hopped back on the other now watching.

We picked up speed. Running around the pen. We came to the high jump and she jumped straight over it. "Good girl" I slowed her down and petted her. "She used to do horse racing so don't worry she knows what's she doing" I head Alex rescuer the boys. " That's pretty cool" Tommy chuckled.

"Oh I see Tommy you like her don't you" I heard as I continued to do the jumps.
"I don't know yet" Was all he managed to spit as I joined them "alright let start to hike"I smiled we go in our order.

Midnight stops in the middle of the trail. "Tommy you have to lead your horse not let it lead you. Hey stop for a second". I tied snowflakes to midnight so she doesn't wander off and so she also follows us. I hop on

Tommy's horse. I get in front of him. I grab the tassel " alright, we're good, keep going Tommy wraps his arm around me for dear life.

"Tommy you do realize you're not going to die" Will joked and we all laughed.
"I'm not scared I'm a big strong man" Tommy rolled his eyes. "Yes, Tommy so big and strong" I just went with it. We continued down the trail all of us making dumb jokes. Over all just being idiots.

"We're here at the beach you got free rain just please don't get too close to other horses they tend to get very freaked out very quickly." Alex pleaded I got back on snowflake. We trotted around. Until Tommy came a tad l too close and his horse kicked mine sending me flying off. I scraped my leg on a rock.

"Damn it Tommy" Alex quickly. Got off her horse and tossed me the med kit. I open the med kit and pulled out bandages the cut was too long for a normal bad aid. I clean the cut that was non stop bleeding. I wrap it's around the cut multiple times. I then go around it all will medical tape.

"You reckon it needs stitches," Tubbo asked. "Nah I'll be fine " I get up just fine there's a little plain but not much. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to," His face softened. He felt guilty.

"It's okay Tommy. Things happen, don't worry about it" I tried to calm him down, it slowly worked and he just nodded. " Alright but you are bleeding a lot though so you might have to go get it checked out" I gave her a death stare. Tommy gave me a soft look, yet confused.

I hate hospitals for so many reasons and I will definitely not be going into one today. "I'll be fine" I know it wasn't going to work. She walked up into the ear.

"I know you don't like hospitals but you defo need stitches and if you don't go I'll make Will take you" I narrowed my eyes as she did the same to me. I bit my lip with guilt. I walked over to the horse and tried to hop on but couldn't. Fuck. She was right and I hated her for it.

" Okay fine just help me get on this damn horse" She lifted me up. "Alright let's get back to the barn and put them away " We ride start to slowly ride back. My leg is still hurting, well more like throbbing. It felt like I got stung by 10 bees in the same spots.

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