Earned It

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Author's note: tysm for all the kind comments, yall are literally so amazing. this chapter took a lot longer to write than I anticipated, but I wanted to make it perfect. nsfw warning >:)

For the rest of the night and into the morning, time passes by at an agonizingly slow rate. You're even sure that you see the clock move backwards a few times.

Potions is almost unbearable.

Professor Snape doesn't look at you during the entire class. It irritates you slightly, but at the same time you're relieved. You think you would crumble if his piercing stare landed on you.

You watch him saunter around the class, his cloak flowing behind him, his hands twisting together. You don't hear a word he says, lost in the sea of his voice.

Little do you know, Snape is trying just as hard to keep himself together. But after years of pushing down emotions, he manages to hide it better than you. It takes a lot for him not to look at you, but he holds himself back. He knows if he glanced in your direction, his mind would flood with thoughts of what he's going to do to you that night.

However, as the end of class approaches, Snape can't help himself and he steals a glance of you as you pack up and head to the door. His body floods instantly with emotions he spends the next hour trying to push away.

You relax a little bit in the rest of your classes, not having to be in the vicinity of Professor Snape, not having to worry about him reading your thoughts.

It was exhausting to control your thoughts in Potions and it's a relief when, in Transfiguration, you can finally let your mind wander. Images of Snape's fingers, gliding over your skin, and his mouth, kissing your neck, engulf you. You don't have enough strength to pull your thoughts elsewhere.

Professor McGonagall sees you staring out the window, completely zoned out, but she doesn't reprimand you.

Most of the teachers had started to go easier on you since Laura's disappearance, they saw how miserable you had been. One time Professor McGonagall even held you after class to ask if you wanted to talk about how you felt, and that she would always be there if you needed any support.

You politely declined her offer.

No one knew even half of the story.


After classes finish, you head to your room to rest before dinner.

You fall down on your bed, exhaling loudly. The softness of the sheets is enticing, and you have to peel yourself away from the comfort that they promise.

Loud chatter comes from the common room where everyone's gathered socializing. You're grateful to have this time to be completely alone.

You glance at Laura's bed. It's perfectly made, just like it has been for weeks. If only you had seen it empty weeks ago, maybe you could've prevented all of this, whatever "this" was. You can't stare at it too long before you get filled with dread. It's eerie to see her things while not knowing where she is.

You've contemplated trying to get into her trunk, to see if there's anything in there that could help you figure out what happened. You take a step towards it and kneel down, running your fingers over the wooden surface.

Just then, there's a quick knock on the door before it flies open.

You shoot up, stepping away from Laura's bed.

One of your roommates opens the door and doesn't seem to notice how tense you are.

"y/n! Come look at this!" she says before rushing back down to the common room.

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