Too tired to be arguing with her again . It was exhausting and migraine inducing , he would rather not fall into a argument with her again that night.

Rolling her eyes to herself  while her back was still turned , she then slowly spinning back around to face him , trying  to keep her good spirits in tact .

Sh wasn't about to let him ruin this for her , not more than he already had at least .

"I'm going to take a look around this ghost town ." she decided to be honest with him , seeing the almost sad look on his face as he looked back at her.

He looked as though he had aged ten years just from stepping into this run down house , or perhaps it was from being around her . he always did say she had a way of exhausting him .

the feeling was always mutual of course .

He pursed his lips firmly together before slowly getting to his feet , wincing as he cracked his back . Still aching from having been hunched over the table for so long.

"I don't want you going anywhere near the woods though alright? you don't know what animals could be waiting for you with there jaws wide open ." he told her firmly , walking around the table and over to her quickly .

Leaning against the wall beside her and sternly looking at her once he saw the annoyed way she avoided his gaze , he knew what she was like but this time he was deadly serious .

"I mean it ." he said gripping her chin in his hand and bending slightly to look her in her eyes to convey  just how serious he was .

"the woods are a dangerous place for anyone , never mind pretty little girls like you alright?" he tapped her cheek lightly with a slight grin as she scowled irritably up at him .

Her nostrils flaring as she looked into the muddy brown eyes of her father , feeling that familiar fire burn in her chest with the need to lash out and do exactly the opposite of what he was telling her.

She wasn't a kid anymore . Despite how everyone liked to treat her , as though she was walking around without half a brain.

"I'm not a little girl , old man." she gritted up at him , crossing her arms over her chest and resisting the urge to knee him where the sun didn't shine.

she was nineteen years old , she was a young woman . She knew better than he did , she was a lot stronger than he gave her credit for .

grinning in her mind as she pictured the small pocket knife that was in her pocket , let someone try to attack her . she fucking dared them to .

Leon chuckled and shook his head at her , ruffling her hair playfully making her quickly swat his hands away like he was a annoying fly.

"you're always gonna be my little girl ." he sighed affectionately before titling his head to the side so that she was face to face with his stubbly cheek.

"now give your old man a kiss and be back soon okay?" he told her , grinning to himself at the exasperated look she shot him .

Not being able to stop the small smile from shining through as she leaned up and kissed him firmly on the cheek , leaving a bright red stain on his skin before pushing him away roughly  .

"don't wait up." was all she said before quickly leaving the house before he could change his mind , her mind set on going to only one place.

the woods. She wasn't going to let him tell her what she could and couldn't do . Not anymore .

She muttered to herself as she stepped over broken twigs and branches , wondering if her shoe was going to make it through this muddy trek .

she hadn't brought anymore duck tape with her to fix it either , perhaps that had been her first mistake of that night.

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