💜 Soobin- TXT 💜

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This is my own original idea

This imagine is based on We Lost The Summer

Soobin and I dated this year for a few months. We broke up before the summer due to his career. I really liked Soobin and we had a great time together when we dated. I was really sad when we broke up but I understood. We had so much planned for the summer but we couldn't do that as we were no longer together. Soobin is such a sweet guy and I wish we could've been together for longer. He was the first guy I have ever really dated. TXT are really big and I guess Soobin didn't want a serious relationship. Think we were going to get serious but I guess we're only young. I would do anything to have more time with Soobin. TXT recently released a song called We Lost The Summer. I think it kinda describes Soobin and I. And also the pandemic too. I love the song I think it is great and the album too. I am sat at home on my bed watching the music channel when TXT comes up. The song was We Lost The Summer. I look at the screen and take in the words and everything. It's such a good song. How handsome does he look? He's so cute. I wish he was still mine. A text pops up on my phone and it's from Soobin. I think he sent it by accident. He puts hey. I reply with the same back. He didn't know it was me. We stopped texting after that. I guess he probably knew I was watching him on the TV. Maybe someday will come that Soobin and I will be back together. I hope so

It's a few days later and Soobin and I haven't been accidentally texting since that day. I found it weird that he accidentally text me when I was watching him on the TV. I am about to head out for a run. I like to go for a run most days in the morning. It keeps me fit and healthy. I am about to leave now and I'll be back in half an hour. I jog around the block and it feels good to get fresh air and exercise. I finish my run and return home. When I return home, I see Soobin waiting by my door. I was surprised to see him. "Y/ N" he said. "Soobin" I say. "Hi, sorry I wanted to see you. Sorry I accidentally texted you the other day. I went on the wrong thing on my phone" Soobin said. "It's okay. Hi. Nice to see you. Funnily enough I was watching you on the TV when you texted me" I say. "Haha were you" he said. "Yes I was. It's a great song" I say. "Thanks. So, Y/ N can we talk" Soobin said. "Sure I have time" I say. "Well I've kinda been thinking about things since I sent you that text. Well before then. Y/ N, I shouldn't have let you go. I deeply regret it" he said. "I know, Soobin. I miss you and spending time with you" I say. "We Lost The Summer is kinda about you" he laughs. "Is it?" I reply. "Y/ N, we had such a great summer planned before we broke up and I was really looking forward to it. Maybe we could have another chance and do it over again next summer. I would really like that. We can do all the things we were going to do" Soobin said. "Yeah sure. Maybe" I reply. "I want you back, Y/ N. Will you give me another chance?" he said. "Yes I will give you another chance, Soobin. We can do all the things next summer that we were going to do this summer" I reply. He smiles and steps closer to me and puts his arms around me and kisses me. I have to stand on my tippy toes as Soobin is so tall. What a nice surprise Soobin coming over today? We talked and agreed to get back together and do everything we were going to do this summer next summer. Cannot wait

It's the summer and Soobin and I have been back together for about 7 months and we are having a great time together. He's the best and we have the best relationship in the world and I'm so thankful for him. Soobinie is my world. We are back together and doing what we were going to do last summer this summer. We have already done a few things like gone to the mall several times, seen movies, gone to the park, fun fairs etc. Today Soobin and I are going to the swimming pool. It's an outdoor swimming pool and it's a nice day so just the right time to go. Swimming is something we haven't done yet so we are looking forward to going and having some fun. We might do something else fun after. Soobin is meeting me at the swimming pool in the next half an hour. I am not wearing any makeup as I don't need it. It will come off when I swim. I put my bathing suit on underneath my clothes to make it easier for when I get there. I leave when I'm ready to meet Soobin at the pool. I tell him I'm on my way and I'll be there soon. I arrive soon and Soobin is waiting outside for me. I see him with a big smile on his cute little face. "Hey, the most beautiful girl in the world" he smiles. "Hey, handsome" I say. "We are going to have some fun this afternoon. Aren't we?" Soobin said. "Yes we are. Absolutely. I can't wait. I'm excited" I say. "Okay well I'll see you soon in the pool" he said. I smile. We both go into the changing rooms to put our stuff in there. Then we meet each other by pool. "Let's go" Soobin said. "Yep" I say. "I bet I can jump in before you" he said. "Okay" I reply. Soobin and I find a space to jump. He jumps in before me. "I beat you" he said. "You did" I reply. Soobin and I splash around in the pool for a while. He kept on putting his arms around me and kissing me like he does. We really do like PDA. "Babe, I have an idea" he said. "What, babe?" I reply. "How about we go to the mall after to do some more shopping and go out for a meal? Doesn't have to be now but maybe later it would be cool" Soobin said. "Sure I'd love that. First I'll have to go home to get showered and my makeup done" I reply. "I'll let you do that but I don't think you need makeup on" he smiles. Soobin and I spend a while longer in the pool before we had enough but it was so much fun though

We both went back home to get ready for the mall. It was a great idea of Soobin's. I am always up for shopping and eating of course. I am all ready now and I'm meeting him down at the mall now. I'm on my way. He'll nearly be there too. I arrived soon and Soobin is waiting outside for me again. "Hey, again I missed you" he said. "Hi, you. It's only been less than two hours" I say. "I know it has but I still missed you, gorgeous" Soobin said. "I missed you too" I smile. Soobin and I hold hands as we walk round the mall looking in places we want to. He always lets me look in places I want to look in. Awww he's so sweet and he treats me to things too. I have the best boyfriend in the world. "If you want anything I'll get it for you" Soobin said. "Thank you, Soobinie. You're the best but you should really stop spoiling me" I say. "I can't. You're my girl and I love you" he laughs. Soobin and I shop for a while and he buys me something. A really soft blanket I wanted. Then we go to get something to eat to our favourite restaurant. We always end up getting the same thing so we didn't need to look at the menu, we ordered straight away. "This is the best summer ever with you, Y/ N" he said. "If is. Truly, Soobin. Love you" I reply. "Love you too. Don't worry. The summer is nowhere near over yet" Soobin said. We had a great meal and day at the mall. This is the best summer ever and we can't wait to see what the rest brings and the future of us too

A/ N: love Soobin. My bias wrecker in TXT. He's so cute and adorable and our leader too. TXT wouldn't be TXT without this boy. One day late on his birthday but can't believe this cutie is 20 years old now

My third imagine in a row that's song based. Don't know if I'll be doing anymore for a while. Had to do one on We Lost The Summer

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