🖤 Wyatt- ONF 🖤

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This is my own original idea

Warning: contains smut

I have been in a relationship with ONF's Wyatt aka Shim Jaeyoung for a couple of years. We have kinda a long distance relationship as he lives in Seoul due to his career and I live in Incheon which is where I've lived all my life. I want to still stay there as my family is there and I'll miss them if I move. I have young nieces and nephews and I don't want to be away from them. Jaeyoung understands our long distance relationship. I love him and maybe I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He really is a good guy. He understands me very well and is always here for me when I need him the most. We see each other twice or maybe once a month when we can. ONF have just finished a promo tour in Korea so I haven't seen Jaeyoung in three weeks. He is coming to Incheon for the weekend and I can't wait to see him when he arrives soon. I am picking him up at the train station in the next hour or so. I'm so excited to see my guy and spend the weekend with him. Nothing really planned. Just chilling and spending time together. Probably go for a walk in the park. I am leaving soon to the train station to pick him up. His train should be on time. I text Jaeyoung to tell him I'm on my way to see him. I arrived at the train station about 30 minutes later. Just in time for Jaeyoung arriving. His train should be coming in anytime. I wait by the exit of the train station to see if I can spot Jaeyoung coming out. I can spot his bright blue hair a few minutes later. I was so excited to see him. I was jumping up and down. "Babe!" I exclaim. "Hi, baby. How are you?" he said. "I'm great. All the better for seeing you, sexy" I say. "Me too, sexy. I've missed you so much" he said. Jaeyoung embrace me with a big hug. Just what I've been missing. "I'm so excited for this weekend, babe" he said on our way out. We hold hands as we walk out of the train station and to the parking lot. He puts his bag in the trunk and we get in my car and drive back to my place. So good to see my baby again after all these weeks. Missed him so much

Jaeyoung and I got back to my place about an hour or so ago. It's amazing to be chilling with my guy in my place. I've missed him so much. I love him much too. We are sat on the couch and Jaeyoung has his arms around me and he's holding me close. "Babe, I have missed this so much" Jaeyoung said. "Awww I've missed this so much too" I reply. "I've also missed something else too. You know what I mean" he smirks. "Yes I do. I know" I reply. "I need you. I need your body" Jaeyoung moans. "I need yours too" I moan back. He pulls me up and we go into my bedroom. Jaeyoung stands opposite and pulls me in kissing my mouth roughly. "Damn! You taste so good, baby" he said. "Hmmmm you do too, Jae" I say. We kiss intensely for a while before going over to my bed. I push Jaeyoung down on the bed and get on top of him. "Wait we need to get naked" he said. "Yes. We can't have sex till we're naked" I reply. I take off my top first. Jaeyoung slips his over his head too. "You're so sexy, baby" I say. "You too" i smirks. I start unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants. I pull them down his legs and take off mine. "Come on. I'm ready" Jaeyoung said. "Yes yes" I say. Jaeyoung pulls down his underwear before I take off mine. His member slips into my vagina and I ride up and down on him. "Ride me like the wind, baby. So fast" he said. "Okay okay" I reply. I do that alright. We could've done it all night but we stopped after a pretty long while. "Dang it, Y/ N. I didn't know I could miss sex that much" Jaeyoung said. "Yep I know. It was amazing but you tire me out now" I say. "Haha you tire yourself out" he laughs. We go back into the lounge after having great sex. We will do it again tomorrow but we will just enjoy chilling and spending time together for tonight

It's a month later and I'm in Seoul this time seeing Jaeyoung for the week. It's been a while since I last went to Seoul. I love it there. I'm sure I'll move there someday. Lately I haven't been feeling too well. I've been throwing up a lot and just feeling very weak. I don't know if it's a bug or I might even be pregnant. Jaeyoung is really worried about me to the point where he won't leave my side. Awwww I actually love it when he is concerned and overprotective around me. I seem to throw up in the morning and in pregnancy that is morning sickness. I don't want to tell him as he might freak out. We have never discussed anything like having a baby. We are in our mid twenties so we are technically old enough to be parents. I wake up feeling sick like I have for the last few mornings. Jaeyoung is in bed next to me. "Are you okay, honey? You look really pale this morning" he said. "No i feel sick again, Jae. I'm gonna throw up" I reply. I rush out of bed to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. Jaeyoung comes running like he always does. "Baby, I'm so worried about you that you keep on getting sick like this" he said. I look at him. "I hate it, Jaeyoung. I hate it" I said. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. I think I should tell him I might be pregnant. I don't know how he'll take it though. "Jaeyoung, I think I might be pregnant. Morning sickness is a sign of pregnancy and I've been throwing up a lot lately so I might be. I should see a doctor" I say. Jaeyoung looked stunned. "Really? Do you think you could be?" he replies. "Yeah maybe I don't know. I know we've never discussed having a baby" I say. "Well you know I will be happy either way. If you're pregnant or not pregnant. I love you, Y/ N" Jaeyoung smiles. "I love you too, Jaeyoung" I reply. Later I get an appointment with the doctor to confirm whether I'm pregnant or not. The doctor has taken some tests and we are waiting for them to come back. I'm squeezing Jaeyoung's hand anxiously. The doctor comes back. "Miss Y/ L/ N, the tests have come back with a positive result. You are pregnant. Congratulations" he smiles. "I'm pregnant" I smile. "Yes. I think I'm happy, babe. We are having a baby. Unexpected but we are having a baby. Wow! Wait till I tell the guys" Jaeyoung said. "Yes we are" I smile. Well I was kinda right. I'm pregnant. All it be not planned. I'm pregnant. We are having a baby

I am over 9 months pregnant now with our son. I am 10 days past my due date. Jaeyoung and I are looking forward to becoming parents now after the initial shock of finding out all those months ago. We believe that this baby is the making of us now. Jaeyoung is happy it's a boy. He said he can't wait to have a son. Well our boy could be here anytime. I'm feeling so tired with me being 9 months pregnant. I swear it really takes everything out of you so much. Well I'm sat on the couch resting and Jaeyoung is in the kitchen cooking and keeping himself busy. I start to feel a little funny. I think I'm having a contraction. I stand up and go into the kitchen where Jaeyoung is. "Are you okay, babe? Is something happening?" he said. "I think I'm having contractions" I say. "The baby is coming is he" he said. "Yep I think so" I say. Jaeyoung goes into a panic and starts grabbing things. "Calm down. We don't need to go yet. My waters haven't broken" I reply. Just that second my waters break on the kitchen floor. "Okay there we go" I say. Soon Jaeyoung grabs the things and we leave for the hospital. We get to the hospital just in time as I was already halfway dilated. It was still sometime before the baby was born. Several hours later in the early hours, our handsome son was born. His name is Jaesung. Jaeyoung choose it and I think it's perfect for him. He was born about two hours ago. Jaeyoung is holding him now. "He is really amazing. Isn't he, babe?" he said. "Yes he is. He's fantastic. A blessing to us, Jaeyoung" I reply. "I know I'm really going to enjoy being a father to him" he said. "Yes you will be a great one" I reply. "I'm so proud of you, Y/ N. I couldn't imagine pushing a whole human being out of my body" Jaeyoung said. I just laughed at him. Our baby boy is here safe and sound now and that's all that matters. Jaesung was unexpected but I think he's changed our lives already

A/ N: Wyatt is so incredibly hot. My bias in ONF. He kinda reminds me of Namjoon a bit. Tbh they are kinda a group I forgot about recently. I will start listening to them more. Looking forward to their full album next week. It's gonna be good.

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