🤎 Kuanlin- Wanna One 🤎

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This is my own original idea

Warning: contains smut

I met Lai Kuanlin a couple of months ago. We have hooked up a few times since we met. Yes by hooked up I mean we have had sex. Good sex. I'm not really looking for a serious relationship neither is he. We are just having a little bit of fun and mess around. It will run it's course. I have never done that before, had casual sex with a guy and slept around but it's happening with Kuanlin. He is a nice guy. I do like him in that way. I like him more than in a sexual way. He's a cool and nice guy. We have hooked up about three times already and we've known each other almost two months. The first time was intentional. It just kinda happened by accident. We did enjoy it though and did it another two times. It's been a few weeks since Kuanlin and I last did it and I'm kinda missing it to be honest. I am coming home from work, I stop off at a gas station to refuel. I haven't done that all week. Crap my car could've broken down. I refuel and go inside the shop to pay. As I was coming out. I bump into Kuanlin. I go over to him and say "Hey". "Hey, Y/ N" he said. "Thought I'd say hi before I get on my way" I say. "Sure it's been a while" he laughs. "Yeah that's right" I say. Kuanlin and I talk for a while. We go outside to the car. "I wish you would hit me up more, Y/ N. I like you" me says in a flirty way. "I do. I like you too" I reply. "Okay maybe tonight. I'll come to yours" Kuanlin said. "Sure I'd like that. It's been a while since you know" I say. "Okay I'll see you later" he said. Kuanlin smiles as he leaves. Maybe we will do it later. Yay!

A couple of hours later and I've just had something to eat. Kuanlin is going to be coming soon. He said he will just turn up when he's ready. I'm sat on the couch waiting patiently for him to come to mine for a booty call. I'm getting a little horny now. This hasn't happened in a few weeks and last time it was at Kuanlin's place. Soon there was a knock on the door and it was Kuanlin of course. "Hey, come in" I say. "So are you ready for what's gonna happen?" he asks. "Yes I am but not straight away. Let's talk for a bit first" I say. "Oh right" he replies. Kuanlin sits on the couch next to me. "So how are you? I didn't ask that earlier" he says. "Yeah I'm good. Busy at work but I'm good. You?" I reply. We look at each other for a moment before things kick off. Kuanlin shuffles closer to me on the couch. He places his hands on my hips and started kissing me. We make out heavily for quite a long while. We begin to remove our clothes soon. Kuanlin pulls his shirt over his head and I do the same to mine too. We stand up and finishing undressing each other. Kuanlin unzips his pants and pulls them down his legs. He puts his hands on my hips again and pulls me in. I slide my down my sweatpants and take them off. Kuanlin grabs my butt and picks me up. The door swings open to my bedroom and we go in. He drops me on the bed and gets on top of me. I feel him breathing heavy on me. "This is good, Y/ N" he said. "Oh yes it is" I reply. He unhooks my bra and pulls down my panties before taking off his own. His dick goes into me and he thrusts up and down on me. "Fuck, Y/ N. Shit" he moans. "Fuck, Kuanlin. You're fucking me" I say. "Yes yes" he said. We do it for a while. Kuanlin takes off not long after we had sex. I wanted him to stay but he refused. We had a great booty call tonight. So good. I'm starting to fall for Kuanlin more

It's been a few weeks since Kuanlin and I last saw each other and hooked up. Lately I haven't been feeling well. My friend suggested taking a pregnancy test. So I took one with her and it came back positive. I'm pregnant with Kuanlin's baby and I don't know what to do. I don't know how to tell him and I don't know how he will react. I know he won't be happy as we are both only 19 and 20. I will have to tell him at some point as I'm having his baby. I'm over at my friend Hyeyeon's place now and she is doing a good job in calming me down after finding out I was pregnant the other day. Hyeyeon is a great friend to me. She's always here for me when I need her. I can go to her with all my troubles. "Y/ N, do you want me to help you tell Kuanlin. I can but you should probably tell him yourself" Hyeyeon said. "No I should tell him myself. You're right. I'm pregnant with his baby" I say. "Tell him soon but tell him in person not over the phone or text" she said. "Yes" I say. Hyeyeon tells me to text Kuanlin to tell him to come round as I've got something to tell him. He said he'll be over soon. Hyeyeon has left to give us some space. The doorbell goes and I go to answer it. "Hey" Kuanlin said. "Hi. Come in" I reply. I was so nervous to tell him. He could tell by the look. "So what's on your mind, Y/ N?" he asks. "Sit down" I say taking a deep breath. "There is no easy way to say this but I'm pregnant, Kuanlin with your baby. I thought you needed to know" I say. "What's you're pregnant? Are you serious?" he replies. "Yes, Kuanlin. I wouldn't lie about that" I say. "We can't have a baby, Y/ N. We are not even a couple. We don't even know each other and you're having my kid. I don't know how I can be a dad" he said. "I don't know how I can be a mom but I'll figure it out like everything" I say. "Yeah but I don't know the first thing about babies" Kuanlin said. "I like you, Kuanlin. You're a nice guy and I want you to be here for the baby. I want you to be in their life" I say. Kuanlin looks at me and kinda smiles. Anyway at least I told him I'm pregnant now

Kuanlin and I decided to go parent for our baby. We are not in a relationship or a couple but we decided to co parent for the baby. We thought it was the best thing. We now have a beautiful little baby girl whom we called Serenity. She is beautiful and has a beautiful name. He was born a month ago and Kuanlin comes and visits her once a week at my place. I kinda want is the be a happy family just for Serenity. Maybe in the future. Kuanlin is due to come over soon to see Serenity for a couple of hours. She's just waking up from a nap now and I'll give her a bottle after. He is coming in about three quarters of an hour. Serenity wakes up and I feed her just in time for Kuanlin arriving. The doorbell goes and I answer it. "Hey, Y/ N" he said. "Hey, Kuanlin" I smile. He comes in and goes straight to Serenity. "Hello, my beautiful girl. How are you?" he said. "She's good. Happy to see daddy. Aren't you, Rennie" I say. Kuanlin picks her up and sits on the couch. I give them some space for a while. I do my own thing before checking on them. Kuanlin is sat on the couch holding our perfect little girl. "May I join you?" I say. "Sure. Oh Y/ N, I want to talk to you about something" he said. "Okay" I reply. "I kinda want us to be together. Serenity needs two parents who are happy together and love each other. What I'm trying to say is. I love you, Y/ N. You're an amazing mommy your daughter" Kuanlin said. "Sure, Kuanlin. I know what you are saying is right" I say. "So can we be one happy family for this one?" he said. I smile. Kuanlin smiles and kisses me while he holds Serenity in his arms. So we are now officially together just for our little girl and we love each other too

A/ N: Kuanlin is a very attractive. Haven't done a pregnancy one in a while so I had to. I miss Wanna One so much

Might not be posting for a couple of days as it's my birthday on Monday

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