🤎 J.You- TOO 🤎

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This is my own original idea

This is a based on I Don't Even Know Your Name by Shawn Mendes

I work as a student midwife in a hospital. I really love what I do. I have always dreamed of being a midwife. I love babies and I loved the idea of bringing them into the world. My colleagues says I'm really good and I'm promising for the future. I work three days in the hospital and two days at uni. That's all good. I've seen this cute guy when I've been walking down the corridor a few times. He is average height with brown hair. He is really cute do. I don't even know his name but he's cute. I've always been shy talking to guys. I don't know why. It's not like they are aliens or anything. I don't know. Guys have spoken to me before but not the other way around. I am a little nervous around them. Maybe one day I'll find out his name. I am working at the hospital today. It's Thursday. One of my days today. I don't actually deliver babies by myself. I just assisted but I enjoy it of course. I'm going for my lunch break in a few minutes. I go to the hospital canteen and eat with some of my colleagues. I grab my bag and leave for the canteen when it was time to go. I walk to the canteen and get in the line for the sandwich bar. I see the cute guy walking in. He smiles at me and gets behind me in the line. I wanted to look behind me but I was too nervous too. I get what I want and go to a table to sit down. "Hey" the cute guy said. "Hi" I smiled. "Can I join you?" he asks. "Yeah sure. Why not?" I say. "So what's your name? I've seen you around quite a lot" he said. "Yeah I've seen you too. I'm Y/ N" I reply. "I'm Jeyou. I've been wanting to know your name but yes you do look like an Y/ N" he said. "Nice to meet you, Jeyou" I say. It was nice to finally get your know Jeyou. I've been wanting to know his name for ages too. Now I finally do. I didn't mind him sitting with me at lunch. I was only too happy actually. "So I have to get going, Y/ N. My grandma is in the hospital and I need to see her. Sorry" Jeyou said. "No that's fine. Don't worry. Nice to get to know you" I say. "Yes I hope we meet again and can be friends" he says. "Yes of course we will" I smile. Awwww what a sweet and cute guy. I like him

The start of the week after and I'm going into the hospital again. I feel good about this week. Jeyou and I might run into each other again. Hope so. He is really cute and sweet. I don't have his number though. I am a little later having lunch today. But that's okay. Better late than never as they say. I am having lunch now with my colleague who is a student midwife like me as well. I am close with her. So we go to the hospital canteen together and get our lunch and sit down. Me and my colleague have lunch together and enjoy it. As I was leaving, I bumped into Jeyou. Looks like he's visiting his grandma again. I don't want to pry and ask what's wrong with her. He'll tell me if he wants. I approach him this time. "Hi, Jeyou" I say. "Hey, Y/ N. Good to see you" he said. "Yes good to see you too. Off to see your grandma" I say. "Yes I am. Errrrrr, Y/ N can I confined in you?" he asks. "Sure" I smile. "Well my grandma is very sick. She might be dying. I don't think the doctors can do anything to save her. That's why I come to see her a lot as any moment could be my last with her" Jeyou said. "Awwww, Jeyou. I'm so sorry to hear that. Be strong for her. If you need anything I'll give you my number" I says. "Thank you, Y/ N. You are very kind and I don't even know you that well" he said. I was saddened to hear that about Jeyou's grandma. Hope she pulls through alright. I know how hard it is watching someone you love suffer like that. I can't imagine how he'll be feeling. I thought the least I could do was offer him my number and support. I don't really know Jeyou that well but he's a really nice guy so that doesn't matter a lot. He is really sweet. I don't know if we we'd friends. Acquaintances probably but maybe friends soon

Jeyou and I have gotten to know each other better in the last few weeks. We are friends now. Unfortunately Jeyou's grandma passed away a few days ago and he is in a fragile state. He is bound to be as he had to watch her suffer. He was a kind and loving grandson to her. I said I will be here for him to support him no matter what. I can call me whenever he wants to. I know he has other friends but I wanted to show my support for him. I haven't seen Jeyou since he lost his grandma. I have sent some flowers and a card to his family with my condolences. It was the least I could do. Jeyou knows where I live so I told him he can come round any hour of the day. I am in my room doing some work for my course that needs to be done. Jeyou texts me at all hours of the day but I don't mind that. I always have time to listen to him. As I was doing my work I thought I could hear a knock on the door. I am home alone right now so I go and answer it. It was Jeyou with tears in his eyes. "Jeyou" I say. "Y/ N, I needed to see you" he sobs. "It's okay. Come in" I say. "Sorry, you're not busy. Are you?" he said. "No it's okay. Just doing work but it's a good time to stop" I say. He comes in and I open my arms to him. He hugs me back. We go upstairs to my room and Jeyou sits on my bed. I give him a tissue to dry his eyes. "I didn't know what to do, Y/ N so I came to you. Hope you don't mind" he said. "No not at all, Jeyou. You're my friend. I always have time for you" I smile. "Thank you. I know we haven't been friends that long but you are one of my best ones" Jeyou said. "Yes you are too. Stay here as long as you want" I say. I sit close to Jeyou and hold him close to me and hold him close to me in my arms. He felt safe being with me. He knows he has a shoulder to cry on with me. Jeyou stays with me a while in my arms and he felt comfort being with me

Jeyou and I have grown a lot closer in the last couple of months. We have been friends for about 4 months now. I helped him through a lot when he just lost his grandma. He is really grateful to me for that. I think I might be starting to develop feelings for him. I had a crush on him at first. I think Jeyou might feel the same about me. He looks at me that way I guy looks at a girl when he likes her. Today Jeyou and I are going to have a milkshake at our favourite milkshake place in town. We love it there. We go once a week now. We make a thing of it and it's great. I am leaving to meet Jeyou know. I'm looking forward to seeing him as always. I get on the bus and arrive soon. Jeyou will be here in a few minutes he says. I wait outside and see him coming. "Hey. I'm here" he said. "Hi, Jeyou" I say. "Sorry to keep you waiting" he said. "No you didn't" I reply. Jeyou smiles and gives me a hug. We go inside and join the line. We always get the same milkshakes. I go with strawberry cheesecake and Jeyou goes with Oreo. Our faves. We find a table to sit at and drink our milkshakes and talk. "I always love coming here with you every week, Jeyou. One of the best parts of my week" I say. "Awwww me too, Y/ N. I definitely agree with you" he smiles. There then was an awkward silence between us for a few minutes. "Y/ N, listen. There is something I want to say to you" he said. "Sure" I smile. "You have been such a good friend to me since we got to know each other and you have been there for me no matter what. If you have helped me through a lot. You really are a true friend and I'm very thankful for you" Jeyou smiles. I was brushing so much that I couldn't speak. "Yes you mean a lot to me too, Jeyou. You are a really sweet and lovely guy and I like you too" I say. "So will you be my girlfriend, Y/ N?" he asks. "Yes I would love to be your girlfriend, Jeyou. I really would" I reply. We go outside and he pulls me in and kisses me. We share our first kiss outside our favourite place. So special and I found a special guy

A/ N: sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was having a nice day with my family and decided not to. Jeyou is very cute. Isn't he? I want TOO to make a comeback. It's been a while and I just want them to make a comeback. Hope they are not going to disband so soon

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