🧡 Wooseok- Pentagon 🧡

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This is my own original idea

Wooseok and I have been dating for a few months. I like him a lot and he's a good boyfriend. I almost feel like he's hiding something from me though. I go to his apartment but there is a room he won't let me look in. I've questioned him about it and he won't tell me. He yelled at me when I asked him the other day. I just wish Wooseok would tell me if he's hiding anything. I like honesty in people especially my boyfriend who i really like and who I'm happy with. Wooseok is a good guy but if he's hiding anything I need to know. I just want to know if he's keeping anything from me. I want us to be together for a while. Anyway I'm going to Wooseok's place tonight to see him. He doesn't know I'm coming. I like to pay a surprise visit on him every now and then. I am almost at Wooseok's place. He doesn't live too far from me. He lives on the top floor of his apartment block. When I arrive there I get the elevator of course to his apartment. I knock on the door and he answers a couple of minutes later. "Hey, babe. It's you. You didn't tell me you were coming tonight" Wooseok said. "Hi, Seokie. Well I just decided to come" I say. "That's great. You're always welcome, baby girl" he smiles. I step inside and Wooseok gives me a big hug. "What do you wanna do, beautiful?" Wooseok asks. "Don't know. Anything. Chill with you" I reply. "Eat?" he suggests. "I ate before I came out" I reply. "Oh okay" he said. Wooseok and I chill on the couch for a while talking and hanging out like we do. I love being with him but I wanna know if he's keeping anything from me

I get up to go to the bathroom. Well so I said. I actually wanted to go in that room Wooseok never lets me go in. I'm curious to know what's in there. Hope he doesn't have a whole other life or anything. I quietly approach the room by opening the door and walking in. I take a deep breath and walk into the room. The room was filled with baby things. Oh I was confused. What baby things? Why does he have baby things? What is he keeping from me? Wooseok suddenly appeared behind me. "What are you doing? You know you shouldn't be going in there" he said. "Sorry. I was just checking. Baby things why do you have baby things?" I say. "You don't have to know" he said. "Wooseok, I'm your girlfriend you need to tell me" I say. "Okay. Don't freak but I have a kid. Changhoon. He's 9 months old. I don't see him that much but you know he's mine" Wooseok said. "What? You have a baby. Are you still with the mother?" I reply. "Nah we had a brief relationship. Like a few weeks then she got pregnant and we stopped seeing each other. Y/ N, don't freak out. I don't have another girlfriend. You're the only one" he said. "Why didn't you tell me? We are meant to be together and have no secrets" I say. "Sorry, babe. I didn't know how to tell you. I love my son and I love you too. Please don't leave me" Wooseok said. "I'm not I just need some time to think about this and take it in" I say. "Okay, baby. You're just as important to me as Changhoon" he said. "Yeah I just need time, Wooseok. I have so many feelings right now. I just need sometime" I say. "Okay" he says. We don't say anything else. I leave his apartment. I can't believe Wooseok has a baby and never told me. I was so surprised when I saw all those baby things in the room. Don't worry I need sometime to come round and think about this

It's been a couple of weeks since I found out that Wooseok has a baby. I'm still shocked and surprised by his revelation. We haven't spoken or seen each other since that night I walked into the room and found baby things. Don't know where we stand. Whether we are still together or not. It's hard to tell. I still don't know what to think. He is a father and he lied to me and didn't tell me. Should I forgive him or let him go? Anyway I suppose I'll decide that another day. I am sat at home in the middle of watching a movie. I don't really like watching movies on my own but I felt like watching one. The movie is a Korean one. It's good. As I was watching the movie, there was a feint knock on my door. I almost didn't hear it at first but I got to it. I opened the door and I was surprised to see Wooseok there holding the baby. "Hello, Y/ N" he said. "Hi" I say not really knowing what else to say. "There is someone who I would like you to meet. This is my boy Changhoon" he said. "Awwww he's so cute" I reply. He's a cute little baby. "Can we come in if that's okay?" Wooseok asks. "Yeah sure I don't see why not" I reply. Wooseok comes in with baby Changhoon. "Changhoon, say hi to Y/ N. You might get to know her well" he said. "Hi, Changhoon. You're a cutie. Aren't you" I say. "Thanks. Look can we talk, Y/ N" Wooseok said. "Okay" I say. "Honestly I was just finding the right time to tell you that I have a kid" he said. "Yeah well I wouldn't wanted to know sooner but it's okay I'm not going to hate you. I think we should move on" I say. "Yes I agree too, Y/ N. Let's put that in the past. We are stronger than that. I know we are" Wooseok said. "Yes we are. I do love you, Wooseok" I smile. "I love you too, baby and this little guy too" he said. Wooseok leans in and kisses me. Wooseok stayed with baby Changhoon for a while and I got to hold Changhoon too. He's a sweet baby boy. I'm glad I forgave Wooseok and we moved on. I guess we just got to put things behind us. I understand that he was finding the right time to tell me he had a baby. It's totally fine now

A few months later and I got pregnant. I am 8 months pregnant now with a baby girl who will be here soon. We already know what we are going to call her. We are going to call her Soojin. We already now she is going to be beautiful and a daddy's girl. Changhoon is a year and a half old now. He doesn't see his real mother that much as he's with us most of the time. Wooseok and I can't wait to be parents and have a baby of our own together. He loves cuddling up close to me and talking to the baby. That's what he's doing right now. "Soojin, Appa can't wait to meet you, sweet girl" he said. "He can't. He's so excited more than me" I reply. "Haha that's right I am, Soojin" Wooseok said. "We can't wait to meet you, baby girl. Both of us and your big brother" I say. "Yes that's right. I'm so excited to be a dad again. Can't wait to cuddle you when you're here" he said. I smile and laugh at him. Changhoon runs in soon and Wooseok lifts him up on the bed. "Hey, son" he said. "Hey, Hoonie" I say. Changhoon snuggles next to me and cuddles my bump too. Wooseok and Changhoon are so cute cuddling and talking to my bump. We can't wait to welcome our baby girl, Soojin into the world soon. Forgiving Wooseok for lying to me was the best thing I ever did as we are having a baby of our own together now

A/ N: it's hard to choose a bias in Pentagon but it's been Wooseok for a while. He's really hot and a talented rapper. My biases were Hui, Kino and Hyojong when he was in the group. Pentagon are a great group. Think all the other members are my biases wreckers

I thought this plot would be good and interesting for Wooseok

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