Chapter ten

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The doctor smiled at Sky with the kind of smile that would just give you chills. Sky was helpless now, she was weak and the doctor saw that. She struggled to move, but she couldn't. It was as if someone was pinning her to the cold metal table. She tried to scream, but she couldn't find her voice. She never could.

"Just calm down." he smiled putting on his rubber gloves. "This will all be over soon." he said and grabbed a needle from his tray.

Sky was terrified. She could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks. She had given up. She knew there wasn't anything more she could do. It was over for her.

"You will just feel a little pinch." He said moving the needle closer to her.

Sky shut her eyes tight and tried to imagine being anywhere but there. Being with anyone but the sick doctor.

Panic rushed through Sky as she sat up on the bed in the hotel room. It was just a dream. But to her it felt so real. She tried to calm herself down but she couldn't, she didn't know how to.

"What am I doing here." she sobbed to herself.

Sky regretted ever running away from the hospital, running away from the doctor. He might not know where she is now, but he will find out soon. She just knew it. She couldn't risk being caught and thrown back into that small room. It was so small with plain white walls that made the room feel even smaller. She hated it so much, she felt like she was an animal trapped in a box with no escape.

"Hey,are you okay?" Sam asked concerned. "I'm fine, I just need a drink."

Sky knew she couldn't go on any longer living the way she did. Going to the police wasn't an option because she was a patient and they would just take her back to the doctor to leave him to have his way with her. She couldn't risk that. She could run, but how long could she keep running?

Sky turned on the tv in the hopes she could get her mind off of things.

"Today's new, a patient escaped from the local mental instituted."

Sky couldn't breathe, she felt it was impossible to.

"If you see this girl, call the number below." the women said.

Sky's picture popped up with a number and details about her. Details saying she was crazy and shouldn't be trusted which hurt her in more ways than one.

"Shit!" Sam yelled dropping the glass on the floor. "Just stay calm and get your stuff, we need to leave now."

Sky and the others ended up in a motel on the other side of town just until everything cleared up. They were scared, nobody wanted to face the consequences of the actions they had taken for Sky and Sky didnt want them to.

"We need to get to the bottom of all this, revival the doctor for who he really is." Sky said.

They spent the rest of the night looking up every bit of information about the doctor they possibly could. What they found surprised them.

"He doesnt exists." Sky said looking at the computer screen. "Well, at least not in this time." Jessie said pointing at a document from the nineteen-seventies.

The doctor was never a doctor he was a patient. 

Voices; l.h.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora