Chapter six

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Sky stood still, not moving a muscle. What she just said made him angry, very anger.

"You dumb little girl." he smiled. "You never know when to shut your mouth." he said slapping her face.

Sky rubbed her cheek where he had hit her and tried her hardest not to shed a single tear.

"I don't ever want to hear those names again." he hissed.

Just the mentions of the names upset him and Sky saw that. Sky knew she could now use them to her advantage.

"Why did you kill them?" Sky asked. "Didn't I just say I don't want to hear it." he answered harshly. "I don't think that's up to you anymore." she said. "How so?" he asked. "I know things, seen things. Once I'm out of here you're done." she said knowing what she said may not be true. "Do you really think you will ever see sunlight again? You're mine and you're not getting out anytime soon." he said rather amused by her remark. "We'll see about that." she mumbled.

Do you still think Luke is going to save you?

Get over him Sky, he's gone!

You're pathetic, you know that.

Sky still didn't give up hope that maybe just maybe Luke would find her and save her. She knows it's unrealistic, but it's what's getting her through the days.

"I think it's time for some more test." Mr. Fritzen said with a smile.

'Knock, knock'

"Come in." he says annoyed. "Doctor, they need you." a nurse said causing him to leave. "I'll be back soon." he smiled closing the door.

Tick tock Sky

It won't be too long until he's back

Do you think you can take anymore of his treatment?

It won't be too much long until it's over

"Please, I need help." Sky wept. "I just need to get out of here." she said struggling to open the door.

It's no use Sky, you're trapped

And why would we help you when you wanted to leave us for Luke

Why don't you ask him for help?

Oh that right he doesn't care

He never will

"I don't care about him anymore." Sky lied. "Just please help me." she said.

Emily and Jason both didn't believe Sky. How could Sky just turn on Luke like that?

You're a liar Sky

You care about him, we know you do

Stop lying to us Sky

"I swear I'm not lying, I would never lie to you." she said with tears running down her face.

Wipe those tears

We don't believe you

You're trapped here forever

Sky just needed to find a way out, to find help. All she wanted to do was feel free for once in her life. She has been in the hospital for years and years and finally she just wanted a way out.

"I'll take her back to her room." a man said on the other side of the door.

The door opened to revile and man no more than twenty-five. He looked at Sky with sad eyes knowing what the doctor just put her through. Everyone knew what the doctor put his patients through, but nobody talked, nobody could talk.

He slowly approached her and smiled. It was new to Sky to see such expressions from the workers here. He looked at her and saw the bruises and scars and shook his head. He didn't know why she did it, he didn't know why anyone did it really. He didn't understand why someone would harm themselves, but he didn't look down upon it like many of the others did. He knew each scar meant something, that each scar had something behind it. He didn't care about the scars all he cared about was this helpless girl looking for a way out.

"I'm going to help you escape." he whispered to her.

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