Chapter four

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Luke came the next morning to see Sky. He knew she was doing better and he was proud of her. He got to see the real her, the her nobody else saw.

"Excuse me, I'm here to see one of your patients that goes by the name Sky." he said to an unfamiliar face. "Nobody by that name is here." she answered looking at her computer. "Are you sure? Can you check again?" Luke said with worry. "No, I'm sorry sir." she said.

Luke was confused and angry. What did she mean Sky wasn't here? Luke wasn't going to leave until he saw her, he couldn't.

"Sir, you can't go back there." the woman said. "I need to find her." he said running off.

Luke ran down the familiar hallway until he reached her door. He tried opening but it was locked.

"SKY! SKY, OPEN THE DOOR!" he yelled. "She isn't there." Mr. Jackson said. "Where is she?" he asked. "Come to my office, I'll tell you everything." he said guiding Luke to his office.

Mr.Jackson told Luke what had happened. Luke didn't believe him, she was doing so good. He didn't want to think she was suffering, he didn't want to think she was crazy. Mr. Jackson told him before she left she was throwing, yelling, and harming everything and everyone in sight. He told him how she wasn't well at all and it killed him to hear that. Sky meant something to him, she was special.

"Can I visit her?" he asked with hope. "You can try, but I'm not going to guarantee they will let you see her in her state of mind."

Luke knew he had to try. He had to see Sky, he had to ask her how she was doing. He knew that she wasn't crazy, that she wasn't a danger to herself or others. If they got to know the real Sky than they would see it too. All he needs to do is convince everyone she isn't crazy and maybe just maybe he can get her back.


"Hello?" Luke said approaching the front desk.

Nobody answered, nobody was there. Luke waited but nobody came, instead he heard screams and cries coming from the back.


Luke recognized the screams, the voice it was Sky. It sounded like she was being tortured.

"STOP ALL THE MOVING!" a male voice yelled.

Luke followed the screams to a room. He tried to see what was happening, put he couldn't.

"You shouldn't be back here."

Luke jumped, he was in trouble now. He slowly turned around to see a young boy and girl looking at him.

"I'm sorry, my friend is in there." Luke said to them. "She isn't your friend, she's ours." the boy said rather angry. "Who- who are you?" Luke asked. "You know who we are Luke." the girl said. "I'm sorry, but I don't." Luke said rather confused. "I'm Emily and this is Jason." the girl said. "What?" Luke said his eyes going back and forth from the boy to girl. "We told her to stay away from you, but she was in love. She deserves everything that happens to her." Jason said. "She's a stinking bitch just like her mother." Emily said with a smile plastered on her face. "Emily, we need to go." Jason said grabbing onto the girls hand. "Be careful Luke." Emily giggled before racing off.

Luke wasn't sure what he just saw. He knew Sky wasn't crazy, he knew it. He remember about the door and tried to figure out a way to get in. The crying became worse, Luke couldn't handle it.

"PLEASE, NO MORE!" she yelled. "It's part of your treatment." a man said. "This isn't treatment, you are taking advantage of us." she argued.

Luke didn't understand why she said us. Was she talking about Emily and Jason, or was there other kids.

"It's said shock therapy will help you get better little one." the man responded once more. "I hate you." Sky wept. "I can live with that." he said letting out a laugh.

Luke didn't know what to do, or who to tell. Why was the doctor treating his patients this way? Why did he kind it funny?

"Sir, you can't be back here." a security guard said grabbing him. "I-I didn't know, I'm sorry." Luke said still shocked by what he just heard. "I don't want to see you here anymore, do I make myself clear?" the guard said angrily. "Y-yes sir." Luke answered. "Okay, now get lost." he said shoving Luke out the front door.

Luke just lost his chance to see Sky. He needed help, he knew he couldn't do this all on his own.

"Ashton, I need you're help." Luke said into the phone.

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