Chapter two

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Luke left because what Sky had said bothered him a lot. Why was he in danger? Whatever was happening Luke wasn't going to leave Sky alone with her "friends", he couldn't. The doctor told him she would be starting her new set of medications tomorrow and it would make the voices go away for awhile. Luke was pleased to know he could see Sky first thing in the morning, but he wasn't pleased they would be joining them.

Sky was left alone in her dark room and couldn't sleep. Jason and Emily were angry that Sky didn't kill Luke when she had the chance.

Do you think he can save you?

He isn't going to love someone crazy

You're hideous Sky, you have the scars to prove it

Better yet Sky just kill yourself

"Please leave me alone. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore." she wept. "Wasn't it enough you made me kill my own mother."

Sky didn't want to kill her mom, but they wouldn't listen. She begged and pleaded for them to leave her alone, but they weren't taking no as an answer. At night when her mother was sleeping Sky grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed her mother. Her mothers cries were the thing that haunts her the most about that day. Emily and Jason still weren't pleased with her. They didn't want Sky to be happy because they weren't happy. Sky just wanted someone to care for her the way her mother did, but they took that all away from her.

You dumb whore

You're useless you know that

All we have ever done was be nice to you

We hate you Sky, we hate you

Sky started to feel dizzy and woozy. The voices didn't seem to go away, a they kept saying was they hated her.

"You only hate me because I'm not doing what you say." Sky answered.

It was true Jason and Emily didn't like when Sky said no to them. They didn't like when she was against them. Sky was there little puppet who has to do everything they want and when she doesn't, things don't turn out too well for her. The door suddenly opened causing Sky to jump.

"It's only me." Luke said walking towards her. "It's okay, everything is okay." he smiled embracing her into a hug.

She just stands there not knowing if she should hug him back. Before she could wrap her arms around him he lets go.

Nice move Sky

You're such a freak

He doesn't care just remember that

Sky didn't know why Luke had come back. She didn't understand what he wanted from her. She looked at him trying to figure him out. Nothing, there was nothing off about him. "Why are you back? I told you to stay away from me." Sky said angrily.

Yes Sky there's our girl

You only need us

Tell him to leave

Better yet kill him

Sky tried to ignore the voices but she couldn't, she never could. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" she yelled.

A nurse stormed into the room finding Sky throwing and beating on her head. She wanted the voices out and she was going to do anything to stop them.

"Sky honey relax." the nurse said trying to soothe her. "THEY KEEP YELLING AT ME! THEY WANT ME TO DO THINGS! I CANT ANYMORE! I CANT!" she yelled while tears rolled down her cheeks.

Luke stood there in the corner watching her. He didn't know what to do or say. He was shocked by what had come over her.

"Take these." the nurse said giving her a cup of various pills. "Will they go away?" Sky asks. "Just for awhile." the nurse smiles. Sky grabs the pills putting them in her mouth swallowing them all down.

You bitch how could you

We only love you

We want to help you that's all

The voices went away after awhile and Sky let out a sigh of relief. "They're gone, aren't they." Luke asked. "Not for long." Sky knew that the voices could come back any minute and it scared her. "Can you tell me about them?" Luke asked. "I can't, they don't like to be talked about." Sky answered not making eye contact.

The truth was Sky didn't want to scare Luke off, she liked when he was with her.

"I promise I won't tell." Luke said with a smile. "I- I don't want to scare you off." Sky whispered. "I promise you won't." Luke said grabbing her hand. "It started when I was seven at my birthday." Sky started regretting ever word already. "I-I um I heard these voices in my head and they would tell me to do things, things I didn't want to do. My mom didn't believe me, she thought it was my imagination. Emily and Jason didn't like her, they made me do something I regret." Sky said not wanting to finish. "What did they tell you to do?" Luke asked. Sky just gave him a blank stare. "If you knew what I did you would hate me, you would runaway." Sky said. "I won't, I promise." Luke said. "I- they told me to kill her, so I did. I was ten at the time. They said "kill that stinking bitch" and I did. They would leave me alone. THEY WOULDN'T GET OUT OF MY HEAD. THEY ARE STILL THERE. IM GOING CRAZY, I SWEAR I AM." Sky yelled. "I killed her, I killed my own mother." Luke didn't know how to respond, he just looked at her. "If I was you I would get out while you still can." Sky said. "I don't want to leave you." Luke said. Sky was confused, why would he want to stay anywhere near her? "Sky I don't think you're crazy. I think that Emily and Jason are bullied that meals you do things you don't want to do." Luke said.

Luke knew Sky didn't belong here. Emily and Jason drove her to do these things. Luke looked at her and saw a beautiful girl broken and scared. Could he get her out of here? Could he get her away from Emily and Jason?

Voices; l.h.Where stories live. Discover now