Chapter 16: Midterms

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After some time, the others left and it was just the two brothers. Matthew woke up sometime later, the two brothers just staring at each other.

"So...You're Canada." Alfred mentions after a brief silence and Matthew smiles at being noticed for once.

"Yeah." Matthew says

"And...You're my brother?" Alfred asks with reserved emotions, it was hard to tell how he felt.

"Yeah, we are twins actually." Matthew whispers

"I....I've always wanted family...or someone to care..." Alfred says before looking down in seemingly embarrassment.

Matthew smiled genuinely, he then hugs Alfred. It was a well needed and loving hug, it made Alfred's eyes widen a bit. The American almost nervously circles his arms around Matthew like he had never been hugged before. Which, he probably never has, at least not for a long while.

It was if a connection that severed years ago was mended once more, Alfred felt like smiling but physically his body would not do it. Sticking to nothingness and soon it starts to set in, bringing down any happiness he felt. The same arrangement of 15 words went through his head, and again it revolved once more.

"You are America, you just need to let me in, but the choice is yours. " That sentence just struck him.

He is the United States of America, and he has the choice to let America in. The choice to open up to others, to feel emotions. The choice to maybe get better both physically and mentally. That breakdown, he barely remembered it happening. The world crashing around him, he never wanted that to happen again.

"Mattie." Alfred muttered, without thinking too into it.

"Yes Alfie?" Matthew responded in kind

"I...I know there's a part of my self that I've sealed away, and I know how to set it free. But, I'm scared. Scared of how the world would change." Alfred's emotionless voice not conveying the fear Alfred feels but Matthew seems to understand.

"The choice will always, always be yours. But Alfie, change isn't always bad eh. I know you'll feel better and you will have the entire world to support you. Literally." Matthew says "This may change everything, but change sometimes is needed. And I know you need to be loved, I can always feel you're loneliness. Even when you were gone, even now when we're close. We only want what's best for you. But, we respect any desicion you may make eh."

Alfred would've smiled widely, his face would've stretched with a genuine grin. But, he couldn't escape the emotionless cloud. It almost made him sad, but it would clear up if he opened up.

"Anyway, let's catch you up for the midterms." Matthew said and Alfred nods once. That's how the spend the rest of the day. Bonding a bit as they went over what Alfred missed, Alfred already knew most of the stuff, so they really just talked again after being apart for so long.

_____________This is Verna, the line__________

Alfred was released from the hospital a few days later and he went back to school just before finals. That was fine and all. However, the other students treated him differently.

Many try to initiate conversation with him, he gives brief one word answers. He was unused to all the attention he was receiving recently. It wasn't necessarily bad, but he swears if he's invited to another lunch table 1 more time he will screech. Internally, but screech.

Lunch time was it's own thing now, people tried to talk to him. He was usually joined by Silvia and her crew, the two having an understanding after the big food fight. He was also watched like a hawk by 2 to 6 people, he's counted. Mainly to make sure he's eating.

He started sleeping, the nightmares were bad but they got better when Alfred opened up about them to Matthew during a bonding session. They just hung out for a time to reconnect some more, it was nice. He still hasn't told Matthew the whole story, only what he had to know mainly.

He started doing his midterms with everyone else, and did well. Especially considering he had been in a coma for some time. That, and he already knew a lot of stuff because he's gone to school before. Multiple times actually.

The other countries had congratulated him and the other students on surviving half a semester of this and saying Happy Holidays as it would be winter break soon. Alfred never really celebrated, not since....then. He didn't want to think about it.

Alfred was now in his room, thinking about everything. Matthew had invited him to Canada for Christmas and he accepted. He was internally overjoyed but it didn't show on his face. He had already gotten presents for all the others that he thought they would like but he wasn't sure.

And then he was back to opening up, America has pushed to be let in for some time, especially when he wakes up. And honestly he can see more pros then cons. He didn't know why he was so hesitant and scared.

He stood, maybe intending to take a walk. He checked his phone, a few text messages lit up his screen and he responded carefully. He just couldn't handle the turmoil, it was more just thoughts then emotions.

Alfred then shrugs on a coat and goes out for a walk, it was a colder day today. He walks for a bit before he runs into a bunny, he pets and plays with the bunny. It sniffs at him before letting him do that. He had always had a thing with animals, even without his emotions. He pet the bunny once more before it scurried off. Probably wanting to get back home, away from the cold.

Maybe the bunny has the right idea, he mused before walking a bit more. He then heads home, wondering what next semester would bring. Either way tomorrow was this ball thing some of the teachers, *cough* Francis *cough* wanted to have. He has to go to bed soon anyway.

A/N- Welp, that's a chapter. It happened. I guess...Mainly filler I guess, as much as everyone hates it.

What is editing?

Au revoir!

An Untold Story- The desperate search for America.Where stories live. Discover now