Chapter 3- Russian with Russia

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By the time History ended the students had more life in their bodies. They would need it for the teacher ahead.

They all migrated to the Russian room and sat in the seats already assigned to them. Alfred was assigned the dreaded spot right in front of the teachers desk. Well, he didn't dread it but the others did.

Suddenly, a large man in a coat too warm for the New York weather and a matching scarf. He had platnum blond hair, sharp purple eyes, and he successfully scared everyone(but the usual) absolutely sh*tless.

"Privet, my name is Ivan Braginsky. I shall be your Russian teacher." He said in chopped English.

Everyone(just assume excluding Alfred unless said otherwise) shivered in their seats and wondered if this was worth it.

"Now, we should begin da?" Ivan says and every one shakes more as they nod quickly. "Let's see first are introductions. We shall learn one way of saying "my name is. Repeat after me."

(Warning- Terrible Russian ahead. I'm sorry people who speak it. Please correct me because I will fix it.)

"Menya" He said

"M-Menya" The class said

"Menya" Alfred said simply

"Zovut" Ivan said

"Z-Zovut/Zovut" The class said with Alfred saying it simply.

"Menya zovut" Ivan says

"Menya zovut" The class repeats

"Ah, good. Now, add your name to the end. You, right in front of me. What is your name?" Ivan says looking at Alfred

"Menya zovut Alfred. Ochen' priyatno." Alfred says calmly and with emotionlessness.

"Ah, Alfredka.A ty govorish' po russki?" Ivan says

"Da" Alfred said monotonely

"Does anyone else here speak Russian?" Ivan asks and everyone scaredy shakes their head.

"At least say nyet." Ivan says frowning slightly. Everyone practically had a heart attack and died.

"Ah, but there is still much to learn. You, what is your name." Ivan says pointing at some poor girl.

"M-menya zovut Kim." She squeaked out

Mr. Braginsky continues to ask people's names and gets answers with varying levels of success. Alfred just sat at the front of the room staring forward.

"Ah, Alfredka. You shall have to tell me about yourself!" Ivan says appearing from the other side of the classroom.

"My name is Alfred F. Jones. I was born in Virginia and left at an orphanage until I ran away and lived in Massachusetts for a time. Then, I moved south for some time before moving to New York for a time. Then, DC for a while. Then, I moved to California and tend to travel throughout the nation. Now, I currently attend this school. " Alfred says in monotone Russian.

"Ah, well traveled. Where did you learn Russian?" Ivan asks in flowing Russian

"I picked it up at some point a few years ago." Alfred answers in monotone Russian.

Ivan studies the boy for a moment. He noticed how his everything was monotone. His eyes were dull and lifeless orbs that might've been blue once. His hair was a muted blond that lay flat on his head. Ivan could also tell that there was something different about him. Not because of his emotionlessness and monotone but something much deeper. Something he couldn't quite place.

"Oh, it's time to go. You are dissmissed" Ivan's says and there is a horde running out for dear life while Alfred walks calmly behind them.

"That boy is very interesting..." Ivan whispers before going to his desk and preparing for class AC. They seem pretty cool.

It was lunchtime and everyone was chatting excitedly as they made their way to lunch. Well, all except one who walked alone.

The cafeteria was loud and cheerful. People stood in line for various different Italian dishes. Pizzas and pastas galore. Alfred got some simple spaghetti and sat alone at a table. 

He wasn't sloppy or quick when he ate. In fact, it was quite robotic as he twirled his fork to get the pasta and brought it to his mouth.

He was systematically going through what had happened so far and concluded nothing of any real consequence has happened and he hasn't learned anything new.

He shook the thoughts away and went back to his robotic eating. He could feel his peers wary looks. He didn't care if they judged him. Or really care about anything social.

He looked up when a shadow appeared and saw a happy looking Italian with a curl protruding from his head. He was smiling happily and his eyes were closed.

"Ve~ I've come to ask your opinion on the food!" He says happily.

"It is nutritious enough to support life." Alfred said, the man frowned slightly

"Vee...Okay! My name is Feliciano! I work with my Fratello in the kitchen!" He says

Alfred makes a sound of affirmation as he continues to eat robotically. The Italian man opens his eyes and looks at his curiously.

"Why are you all alone?" He asked

"The others simply don't like me and I do not care to interact with them. A waste of energy and life minutes." Alfred says looking at Feliciano with dead eyes. Feliciano squirms a bit under his gaze.

"O-okay" He says before hurrying away to ask the others. He is a little scared.

Alfred finishes his food and cleans up appropriately. He looks at the time and see's that he has half an hour to kill before class starts. He decided to go to the Spanish classroom early.

He walks down the language hall and pauses as he watched Ivan teach what ever class through the door of the Russian classroom briefly out of remembrance.

He then gets to the room that is very clearly the Spanish room. It has the flag of Spain plastered on the door and a few memorable words like Hola. Alfeed studies it for a second before looking out the nearby window and staring at the courtyard.

A/N- Toda! An update my dudes! And I'm sorry that it turned RusAme. All I gotta say is if you look at my other stories are you really surprised. I'm sorry if you guys ship something else like UsUk. While I do ship that a little, RusAme will always be numéro un. Désolé. Also, sorry for the terrible Russian as I only know like Da,Nyet,Privet,Zaika, and Bylat reliably. Even that's iffy.

What is editing?

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