Chapter 8: Revolutionary.

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Alfred won the race by a hair, though he will admit he wasn't really trying. If he was then she would've ate his dust.

Taking a moment to take a breath, Alfred scans the area. Mr. Kirkland's office isn't very different from any other teachers office. There were a few stickers of tea cupd and a tea pot on the door. A sign that said No Frogs Allowed. It had a picture of a certain frenchman crossed out in red.

He looks at Sylvia and she looks at him, at once they lift to knock. An air of defiance fills her eyes, they both knock at once. She sticks her tongue out at him, he blinks a few times still utterly blank.

"Come in."  A epically British voice says

The two enter the room, Mr. Kirkland is sitting in his chair. His back is straight, almost painfully so, and his hands are clasped upon his desk.

His desk, was mostly clear. Paperwork on the floor, a good amount. A pencil holder was also there, stuffed to the highest amount. And of course, there was a tea set with steaming hot tea in it. There was also a strange pile of... coal?

"Sit you two, we must talk." Mr. Kirkland said

Silvia sits in the right chair and Alfred sits in the left. Alfred's eyes however are elsewhere, he was studying Kirkland.

Those eyebrows are so familiar, he feels like he's seen them before. It was then he realized how good Kirkland would look in red.

He fell into a flashback.

A young boy wasn't cheerfully skipping along the docks, rather he was solemnly walking nervously. Expecting everyone to lash out at him with a moments notice.

The year, was 1775. The revolution was very much an idea and a part of Alfred advocates for it while another part says they need their mother country. Then, there's a third part that doesn't feel anything at all.

Still a young boy, he was set out to buy some things from the store by his caretaker. She told him he would get worse than the closet if he messed this up.

He gently entered a small tea shop where his caretaker gets her tea, it wasn't too big.

"Hey there sonny, come to get more tea for the lady?" The old shopkeep asks and Alfred nods. Giving the right amount for the tea.

He walks out with a box of his caretakers favorite tea, cradled in his arms. He was hesitantly walking through the docks when he ran into someone.

Alfred didn't notice them, all he could see was the tea splattered upon the ground. He despaired, he didn't have enough for another box of tea.

He started freaking out, the world becoming less and less in focus and he felt as if he couldn't breathe. She's gonna be angry, she's gonna beat him and shove him in the closet. Break his legs so he can't walk and lock him in the basement where the scary things are.

Alfred didn't recognize the voice trying to help him, it was British. Undeniably British.

"Shhh...It's okay. Your fine love." The voice said "breathe"

Alfrsd tried, a gasp of air filling his lungs. He tries again, in and out. In. Out. In. Out.

"There you go. In and out." The British voice said

The world came back into focus. A British officer with huge eyebrows and wide green eyes were focused on him. His red coat couldn't be any redder.

"You okay now lad?" He asks and Alfred nods, gently standing up. He fixes his hair that was no longer sunshine yellow.

"Shame your tea got ruined,  why don't I buy another as an apology." The man asks

"Oh no, it's fine I'll be.." Alfred counts his money and realised he didn't have enough. He sighs sadly.

"Come on, I insist." The British officer said, pulling the boy up. Alfred nods mutely.

They go back to the tea shop, as promised the British man buys a new box of tea. Alfred holds it close, praying it remains unharmed.

"You better be getting home lad, won't be long before the sun sets." The officer says.

Alfred's dull blue eyes widen and he sprints away. Holding it close to his chest. He's in for a beatimg now.

Alfred won't be out of the closet for the next year at this rate. He feels his ribcage through the oversized shirt, the pain of hunger was enormous and he for sure wasn't getting fed tonight. What's another day?

"Alfred. Alfred F Jones." Alfred looked at the man calling his name. The man who looked like that officer.

"Sorry. I was having a flashback."

"Do you have those often?" Kirkland asked a bit peeved

"Increasingly. Today." Alfred said slowly

"Anyway, you two were having a food fight in my school. This behavior is unacceptable-"

One scolding bad from an educational standpoint later, Kirkland was gently glareing at them. Alfred tuned him out.

"Now, where is your next class." Mr. Kirkland asked taking out a pass

"Russian. With Mr. Braginsky I believe." Silvia said and the Englishman shivered before writing a pass and giving it to he like it was gonna explode.

"And you?" Mr. Kirkland asks

"English. With Mr. Williams." Alfred says deadly


"Mr. Williams." Alfred said

"Oh, that lad." Arthur said, he clearly didn't know who Alfred was talking about. He wrote the pass anyway and gave it to Alfred.

Alfred gave a nod of acknowledgment before leaving the room. Going down the halls of the building, tracing the lines of the brick.

The English room, happened to be on the other side of the building. So, it was a bit of a hike. He glaced down a hall almost longingly before scolding himself.

He made it to the English room, the door was closed. It was covered in maple leaves and little hockey decals. Wonder if the English teacher is Canadian.

A/N- So, after how well recieved the last chapter was. I wanted to write some more, sorry it sucks.

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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