Chapter 7: The pasta fight of the second day

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Alfred went to lunch and was now simply eating whatever was placed on the plate. It just so happened to be spaghetti and meatballs.

Something hit the back of his head, he looked down behind him and saw a singular meatball. He looked up and saw a guilty party smiling nerviously behind him.

Alfred, calm as ever, turned back to his food. He gently, as if it was a bomb, pulled a fork full of the pasta. Then, without even looking he lanched it back, it landed sqare in the face of the other person.

Their friends laughed and Alfred supposed he should be smug or something. He wasn't anything at all.

Alfred also supposed they tried to hit him again, yet it sailed past him to the person in front of him. That person looked at him like he did it and shot their food at him. He shot back with perfect accuracy.

Then, someone yelled food fight at the top of their lungs and it was everyman for themselves.

Soon. Pasta, garlic bread, and meatballs were being chucked around the room. Alfred got a baguette from somewhere and was using it as a melee weapon. Chucking his own pasta at anyone aiming for him.

His military brain turned on, he's served in every American war. The perfect weapon they'd said, emotionless, quiet and deadly. It was slumbering during this brief time of peace, never fully asleep yet idle.

Alfred aimed globs of pasta at people with deadly precision. Meatballs were thrown like grenades, in bunches that exploded. The bagette was used to hit people who got to close.

People started dramatically going down, telling their friends to avenge their deaths. They then drowned in a pasta grave.

Their friends would vow revenge and with renewed confidence attacked blindly and got their ass handed to them. They then would accept death as well.

The Italies, who had made this exquisite meal, were cowering in the corner shivering. When the fight started they were confused, then things started getting thrown and they ducked into the kitchen where they thought it was safe.

People came for nore ammunition and started fighting in the kitchen as well before leaving the room. The italies haven't moved since they left.

Anyway, soon their was Alfred and the original party. Alfred was calmly standing on a table, the others a party of 5 stood on top of a pile of tables.

One of the 5 attacked, pasta to the face and a good jab with a baguette got rid of them. They dramatically announced their death.

Their 4 friends looked personally scathed, two advanced evilly.

One had a tray with food piled high, the other was behind him with two gogurts from somebodys lunch, locked and loaded.

He ducked as the tray was launched at him, it went sailing over his head hitting the person behind him. In a panic they shot the gogurts at random, hitting their buddy. Alfred then struck one on the back of their knees causing them to fall.

They fell into the other, making a mass of tangled limps and food. Alfred faced onto the last two.

"Armin! Do something!" Shouted the main honcho.

A boy with dark brown hair jumped down, he started throwing globs of food at Alfred. Alfred deflected with his bread, a few flecks hit the other in the face.

He threw a meatball mass and Alfred ducked for cover before shooting some pasta at the dude, red sauce looking like blood on his white T-shirt.

Alfred then went on the offence as he hit him with the bagette. The brunette catches it in his hand. Alfred throws some pasta in his face and he lets go to get it off.

Jabbing his bagette into his side, the other keels over. Alfred used his leg to trip him, he fell onto the food covered ground and "died."

Then, there were two. Alfred studied his apponant. Silvia Scalzo, age 21. World wide fencing chapion for 11 years. Plans to step down upon being chosen for the World Congress, she has no doubt she'll be the one selected. Parents are Lidia and Scott Scalzo, mother is currently working at home. Dad is getting milk, pending 20 years.

The slew of information came from nowhere yet hit him hard, he shook it off and gritted his teeth. She took her own baguette and they faced another.

Alfred had used a sword for a long time, he had no doubt he could match her fencing if not be better than her.

The two regarded each other "swords" outstretched. She attacked first, jabbing her baguette at him. He blocks with his own.

On the left side, we have Silvia. On the right side, we have Alfred. Fight!

Their "swords" clash as they begin, she is more aggressive with her blows, Alfred taking more of a defensive route. He keeps up with her resounding speed easily.

Alfred notices how her cockiness was leaving her to forget to protect her blind spots. He calmly starts hitting these spots, much to her suprise. He gently hits her head and used his foot to lock her on the ground.

"They never protect the face." Alfred said with a twitch of a smile. "Do you yield?"

"You hit me on the head, yes I yield!" She says and Alfred almost smirked victorious.

The Italies cautiously edged out of the Kitchen. They look at the huge mess and moan as that's gonna be a pain to clean. They then scurry off totally scared.

Psssst. The intercom turned on and a bored Chinese voice says:

"Alfred F Jones and Sylvia Scalzo, please report to Headmaster Kirkland's office. Aiya! Opium I am not your messager. Aru." The com fizzed out.

Alfred offers her a hand and she eyes it wearily. Alfred waits until she grabs his hand to pull her up.

"Wha-?" She started

"Come, we must get in trouble together." Alfred said with a ghost of a smile and Silvia felt that she could trust him. This undeniable sense from seemingly nowhere.

"Alright." She said "Race ya!"

She takes off with Alfred not far behind.

A/N- Sorry...I'm the worst at action scenes. I tried because I liked the idea but meh. Sorry for nit updating in a bit.

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Au revoir!

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