Chapter 26

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"Now that you've finished up your first semester in UA high, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin. However, don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes in the making, at this camp we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become plus ultra"

"Yes sir!"

Ochaco ran up to (Y/n), "I'm so psyched, I've been forward towards this camp all semester, Shira-chan!"

(Y/n) stumbled back a little, small blush on her face, "Ye-yeah! Me too!" 'A-ha there goes my personal space'

"What's the matter?" (Y/n) took a few more steps back, "Nothing!"

Ochaco blinked at her, 'Is it because you like her?' She turned red before backing up, "Just excited for camp! Yeah!"

She started hopping around while clapping her hands and repeating the word 'Camp', a little later Denki and Mina joined her. (Y/n) giggled, 'They all seem excited'

"I heard class A is taking extra courses!" Monoma yelled, coming out of nowhere, "Does that mean they actually failed the final exams?! That must be so embarrassing, especially since you're suppose to be so much better than my class! All of you must be wallowing in shame-" Kendo chopped his neck

"Don't mind him!" She picked him up by the back of his shirt and dragged him away

"Monoma's scary.." Reiko mumbled

(Y/n) turned to the rest of class B, "It's nice to see you outside of the sports festival" Setsuna greeted them, "I guess now we're technically not rivals"

"Time to get on the bus!" Kendo called out, dragging Monoma onto the vehicle


"The girls of class A and class B?" Mineta drooled, "There's so many to choose from"

"Dude," Kirishima said, he was standing beside him, "Get yourself together, for real"

"Attention class A our bus is here! Everyone line up in seating order!" Tenya yelled


"Here's the deal, we'll be on this bus for about an hour before our first stop. Make sure you stay focus-" Aizawa turned back to check on the students

"Why don't we blast some music?" Kaminari asked, looking down at Kirishima's phone

"No one should be standing! It's a safety hazard! Please stay seated!" Tenya yelled, while standing

Aizawa let out a sigh, "Why do I bother?" (Y/n) snickered, she was sitting beside him because the other seats were filled

"Well, this is the only time we get to play around so..." Aizawa just shook his head and closed his eyes


The bus came to a stop, scarring some of the students, a few of them stumbled forward

Aizawa held an arm out infront of (Y/n) to stop her from falling forward before slapping her hands to let go of his scarf, he was positive that the girl was playing with it the whole ride

The class got off the bus and the students stretched, satisfied by hearing a few pops here and there

"Finally, I needed to get off that bus"

"Let me get through I gotta pee!" Mineta yelled, running around while chanting 'Bathroom'

"This isn't much of a resting area..." "And where's class B?"

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