Chapter 25

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"Welcome back to our summer special, All Might the journey from number one hero to UA high school's teacher. Today we'll be looking back on All Might's achievements and his incredible-" The TV got clicked off

The smokey figure at the bar turned to Shigaraki. The man had a smile on, though it was mostly hidden by the hand on his face

"I figured it out. Why the hero killer pisses my off so much and why those UA brats drive me crazy, it's because of All Might and that stupid grin. It's like he doesn't have a care in the world, smiling thoughtlessly, like there's no one he can't save, like he's undefeatable"

When Tomura finished his rant, he walked out of the room, leaving Kurogiri behind with that one glass of juice or wine, a deck of cards and a picture... Or two...

The first picture was Izuku, running through the finish line in the obstacles race. "Midoriya Izuku, quirkless until middle school, when he suddenly manifested a power. After enrolling in UA high, he distinguish himself by finishing at top eight in their school's sports festival. Then during the Hosu incident, he and his friends fought The Hero Killer Stain and won. Afterward, the hero killer chose to spare the child's life.." Kurogiri narrowed his eyes

Midoriya Izuku was acknowledged by Stain, the man seeking out true heroes as worthy. He judged Shigaraki Tomura quite differently...

Then the other picture, a girl with cloud like hair standing on the third place podium smiling widely, "Shirakumo (Y/n)...."

Shigaraki Tomura explained that didn't enjoy the frighten look in her eyes like he did with the other students. How odd...

Kurogiri himself finds the girl familiar, he has seen her somewhere other than the USJ. But he just couldn't put his finger on it


Izuku was in his room, lifting weights and rewatching that one video of All Might before someone rang his door bell

"Mineta, Kaminari, hey" He greeted them

"Hello, Midoriya"
"Come to the pool with us!"

"The pool?"

Kaminari nodded, "Yeah, some fun before the training camp", Mineta gave him a thumbs up, "We'll get in some solid laughs"

Izuku blinked, "Uh-"


"Vlad, we have to increase each of the students quirks this summer"

"Agreed, why don't you start by giving me a run down of class A's abilities"

"If I must," Aizawa shuffled the papers around before reading out the names and quirks, "Let's start with Aoyama Yuuga, his quirk is Navel Laser, basically a bellybutton laser.."

After he had finished giving a run down of the other 20 student's names and quirks, three of his students entered the staff room

"Excuse us"

"Yes, what is it?" Vlad asked

"Sorry to interrupt, but we were wondering about the form we turned in a few days ago, about the pool?"

"Oh, the school has granted you permission, you're allowed to use the pool until 5pm"

"Thanks!" The three students bowed, "You won't regret this"

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