Chapter 3 (Rewrite)

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"C'mon put your back into it, Midoriya! It's not gonna move itself!" Yagi yelled

"Trying digging your feet into the sand for each step, instead of letting it slide" (Y/n) said as she walked by him


(Y/n) and Midoriya raced across the beach carrying the rubber part of tyres for each trip while Yagi attempts to motivate them by yelling

"Let's go! Let's go! The clock is ticking and 10 months will be over before you know it!"

Midoriya trips as (Y/n) ran ahead of him, "C'mon Midoriya, I won't let you give up if you wanna go to UA!" He quickly got up and ran after her


"So you see with the appearance of quirks...." (Y/n) started to doze off a little as the teacher talked about quirks again

She glanced over to Midoriya, he was tapping his lip and muttering, while writing something down in his notebook

The whole class quiets down, Midoriya had yet to notice so he kept on going

"Hey, Midoriya" the teacher was going to chop his head but a cloud block him. She tapped his shoulder, "Midoriya, you're doing it again" He flinched and then covered his mouth

"I know you had a run in with a villain but pull yourself together, kid. If you really wanna get into UA, you might actually have to know something" the teacher's hand retracts back to him as the class laughs at Midoriya


(Y/n) and Midoriya were on a jog, each of them were carrying something, (Y/n) was carrying an old microwave while Midoriya carried a small safe

Yagi was riding on a segway ahead of them

They both kept running before Midoriya suddenly collapsed. (Y/n) and Yagi stopped to check on him

"Hey, hey! Kid, look alive now, you've only got 3 months left. Are you gonna give up after all this work? Flush it all down the toilet and take it easy?"

(Y/n) put down the microwave she was holding and walked over to check on Midoriya. The boy was trying to get up

"He's overworked..." She crouched down beside him

"The aim to pass American dream plan was created with your body in mind, it was fine-tuned to make sure your progress was swift and manage able.... Which means...."

"You haven't been sticking to it, you're over doing things, that's gonna have an opposite effect of what we want" Yagi said in a stern voice

Midoriya clawed the ground, still trying to get up. "I have to work harder..... Or I won't stand a chance against the other applicants......"

"I don't just want into UA.... I want to excel......" His voice sounded strangled

"I want to be like you! I want to be the greatest hero in the world..." He clawed the ground more and looked up at Yagi

"So I'll keep on trying! Until I've got what it takes to do that!"

Yagi suddenly turned into his buff form and picked Midoriya up by the back of his shirt, (Y/n) stood beside them

"That fighting spirit is what I like about you, fanboy! It serves you well! I do get your concerns, that's it"

"Now's not the time to go and rush progress, fear not! I can get you back on track! Leave it to this old man to adjust your plan"

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