Chapter 14

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"Let the 8th match, begin!"


The crowd cheers, already excited

"You're the one that screws around with gravity, huh? Pink cheeks"

"Pink cheeks?"

"Well if you're gonna give up, do it now, cause I'm not gonna hold anything back"

Uraraka sallowed a lump and glared at him as he does the same


"Midoriya, I'm curious, what was that strategy that you came up with that would give Uraraka an advantage against Bakugou" Tenya asks

(Y/n) leaned forward so that see could see Midoriya, "I wanna know too"

"Honestly, it wasn't really much of a plan. Kacchan's so strong, when it comes to close combat, he almost never has any openings. The more he moves the more he sweats, which just makes his quirk more powerful. He's gotten really good at using his explosions to move around in the air"

"But if Uraraka is able to touch him, she can use her quirk to make him float, she can send him out of bounds. That's why, it's obvious what Uraraka needs to do to get the upper hand"

Uraraka charged at Bakugou, "Giving up isn't an option for me!"

"Wow, look at her go! That's a good start and all she has to do is touch him one time"

"But it won't be easy, you know Bakugou is not gonna let her get to close to him" Tenya said

"Which is why he won't dodge, he'll focus his energy on counterattacks"

Bakugou held up a hand, "And now you die"

He reeled his arm back and waited for Uraraka to take a few more steps closer

He threw his hand forward, throwing an explosion straight at her. She fell back to her original position


Jiro covered her ears with wide eyes

Mineta looked frozen, "He blasted her"

Tsu put a finger on her chin, "Looks like Bakugou isn't planning on showing her any mercy"

Uraraka used her arms to cover her eyes, "Stupid, saw it coming and I still couldn't get out of the way"

Bakugou took a few steps back, "You should've dropped out of the match"

He sent another explosion, "There's no way you could beat me!"

His hand hit the ground but as the dust cleared up it only showed her jacket. Bakugou's eye went wide

Uraraka appeared behind him

"Woah! She threw her jacket over as a decoy. What incredibly quick thinking"

'Way to point out the obvious' (Y/n) thought

Uraraka reached out her hand to touch Bakugou but he noticed and sent another explosion, knocking her back

"Look at that reaction time!"

"Seriously, the dude's insane. You can't get the drop on him"

"And since Uraraka can't use her quirk unless she touches him, his lightning fast reflexes put her at a big disadvantage"

Bakugou moved away the smoke with his arm, "Too slow!"

He sent another explosion, it broke some of the ground as well

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