Chapter 11

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(Y/n) smirked, "Looks like we're going up"


"Hey, someone's trapped under that robot!"

She movements pause, 'I'm sorry what-'

"Should try and help them?"
"Are people seriously gonna die here?!"

She walked closer to the robot, then some crashing were heard and popped out from the top of the it

"I'm alive!"

"Kirishima from class 1A! What a hardcore debut for this rookie! (?)"

"Todoroki, can't believe you pulled something like that. Sheesh, anyone but me would've been killed" He said, looking back at the others

A spot from beside Kirishima broke a bit before someone else popped out

"Class 1A really is full of jerks! I'll smash that ice guy when I get my hands on him!"

Mic cheered, "Tetsutetsu from class 1B was also stuck underneath, what are the odds?"

"Anyone other than me would've been killed"

(Y/n) let out a breath, 'At least they weren't hurt'

She hopped onto a cloud before flying over the robot, "Looks like class 1A's Shirakumo is flying over the obstacles! Clever!"

She soon heard some explosions from below, looking down she saw Bakugou, "I'm not letting you pass me Sekiun!"

"Already did Shōidan!"

She hopped on top of the robot before Bakugou landed a few seconds after, following by Sero and Tokoyami

After running for like a minute they made it to the next obstacle

"For those of you who thought the first obstacle was easy, let's see how ya feel about the second one!"

The students stared down at the giant space in between them and the other side of the path

Mic explained the next obstacle as the fall

Tsu crouch down before leaping forward and attaching herself on a tight rope

Someone laughed from behind them, "Finally, this is my chance to show off what I can do, my support items are going to steal the spotlight from these wannabe heroes. Everyone! Observe what my brilliant gadgets can do!"

(Y/n) recognized this girl from the support course, the one that keeps annoying Power Loader

"You're from support!" Uraraka exclaims

"Hey!" Mina pointed an excusing finger at her, "How come you got to bring all that stuff !"

"Mina, support students are allowed to bring gadgets as long as they make it themselves, it's to keep things fair" (Y/n) said, appearing from behind Mei

"Mhm! Now, sit back and enjoy the show!" She shot one of those small rocket things from her waist letting it attach to one of the islands

"Guess I'll see you guys around!" (Y/n) waved at them before riding a cloud to the other side


"In a world of heroes, it can be hard to get popular without a flashy quirk, right Eraserhead?"

An irked mark formed on Shota head, "I don't know what you're talking about ya' idiot"


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