Chapter 5 (Rewrite)

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(You get to wear whatever you want, skirt/pants it's up to you)

(Y/n) was currently in class, she was the first student there. She was sitting at a random seat near the windows. Peering outside, looking at the other students with interest as they walk into school grounds

 Peering outside, looking at the other students with interest as they walk into school grounds

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(Your seat is 11 so, Shoji is 12 Jiro is 13 and so on, which means Todoroki sits next to you)

After a few minutes, she didn't hear the class door open. She was more focused on the students, like that one guy with a speech bubble for a head and another with a lego kind of head

A hand landed on her shoulder, she flinched a little. Turning to the owner of the hand, it was our resident Sonic but with a stick up his ass

"Excuse me but I don't think you're in you assign seat", She decided to play along and moved back to her seat

"There, you happy?" Tenya nodded, "Yes, now let's start over. My name is Iida Tenya, it's nice to meet you...."

"Shirakumo (Y/n)" She simply said, Tenya paused. She could see the gears turning in his head

"(N/n)-chan?" She smirked, "Been awhile hasn't it?"

"You.... You look different, your hair isn't (H/L) (any length that isn't short) anymore, and why is there a bandaid? Are you hurt?"

"Well you see...."

"Tch, who do hell do you think you are? With your useless quirk, you don't deserve to be like us!" A 12 year old bully said as she held up a pair of scissors, there was a pair of twins with her

"Hold her" The twins pushed a 12 year old (Y/n) against the wall, "Let me go!"

"Don't move or you'll get even more hurt" The main girl said as she begins to cut her hair from where her shoulders are, she thrashed around as the other girl kept cutting her hair

"Stop!" (Y/n) kicked her leg back kicking the other girl's abdomen. The twins flinched back, letting her free

She took this chance and punched one of the girls square in the face, a crack was heard and the girl starting crying. (Y/n) froze, the main bully, the one holding the scissors swung the scissors at her

(Y/n) snapped out of her daze and held the bridge of her nose as it started to bleed

"...And since then I kept my hair short, I also got a permanent scar from the cut, the bandaid was just to cover it"

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