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Sorry that I haven't updated the book. It just felt like no one was reading or it got boring. This chapter is extremely short because I don't pre-write my chapters.

Sorry again....

Sorry again

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'You see here?' Uncle Raymond say gesturing around the room.
'This is where your parents and I worked before they passed.'

'Wow..' I said astonished. Looking around and observing, I caught the glimpse of what looked to be a watch.

It was so shiny and beautiful that I hadn't even noticed how close I got to it. Before my hand could touch it,I was slapped.
'Ouch! What was that for?' I asked

'I know that watch is very appealing to the human eyes but it is also a very important gadget. Refrain from touching it until then.' My uncle says in all seriousness.

'I brought you down here because I needed to give you something. And no it's not that watch.'

I look around the room again to find something else that looks "fun" but nothing catches my eye.

'Rayn? Are you paying attention.'
I nodded my head
'Yes I am'

'Then what did I just say?'

Oh snap,he's pulling that trick on me.
He knows I have no idea what he said. Very funny.....
I decided to stay quiet since I didn't know.

'Exactly pay attention, what I am about to tell you is very important.'
I just nodded my head
'Do you remember your parents? Or anything about them?'

'Not much but I remember some things.'

'Well don't worry about it. That's the past.' He says

Okay now I'm confused. He asks what I remember about my parents then tells me to forget about it.

'Rayn has anyone ever told you about your father?'

'Of course I think so anyways.'
Uncle Raymond just shakes his head

'When I say told I mean has anyone ever said something about his blood or your blood?'
He asks

I sit and think for a second

The flashback of when Quinton kidnapped me came to mind.

That man...

'Yes!' I shout
'I do remember. Someone said my blood is dangerous.'

My uncle then shakes his head.
'Yes your blood is very valuable and even just a small cut could be worth more than my own life savings.'

I bust out laughing

'What's so funny?'

'You're saying that if I were to scrap myself and bleed just a small speck of blood is worth more than your life saving?'
I say raising my eyebrows

I cut my uncle off with laughter.

'Rayn! Stop laughing this is serious. It's a life or death situation and you are very valu-.'

A loud sound made its self present along with many footsteps.

I looked towards my uncle thinking that he knew what was going on.

'They're here. Look Rayn I'm sending you somewhere. These people will tell you what you need to know. You can trust them.'
My uncle says grabbing a duffel bag out of nowhere.
He pushes it into my hands and walks to a wall that has different types of keys on it.

'Here takes these and drive to the destination on the gps.' My uncle says urgently.

'I love you rayn, sorry that I didn't prepare you in time.'

I was so confused and didn't know what to say.

'What's going on? Uncle Raymond?'
I ask cluelessly

'Don't worry about it just do what I said.'
He then gives me a long hard hug. Like it would be the last time.
Then pushes a button that opens up to a secret garage.

I gasp in awe
'Wow this is so cool'
I saw running my hands along the different cars.

'Rayn get into this black car here.' My uncle says pointing

I jump in and throw my bag in the passenger seat.
'Be careful Rayn. Here's some money just incase you need to stop.'

'But what about you uncle Raymond?'

'I'lol be back just wait. There's something going on upstairs.'
I reply with an okay and sit back in the car.

'Don't sit there Rayn, start the car and wait on me. If I don't come back in 5 minutes you need to leave immediately. Do you understand?'
He says seriously



It's been about five minutes.
I get out of the car to go open the door to that secret room.
Just to find out that it's locked.
I start banging desperately on the door calling for my uncle.


I hold my side with kicking one of the intruders in the back.
My wife has disappeared to somewhere when she is supposed to be helping me.

I yell as I get hit in my injured side.
I punch the last man until he is unconscious.
Then sit on the floor out of breath.
I'm too old to be fighting like I did when I was young.
I hope Rayn has left.


Looking down I see a hole in my chest.
I look up to see who the shooter was.

........my own wife.........

'Hi hun I hope you enjoyed your time on the earth. But unfortunately your life span is overdue...I hope your irritating niece hasn't left yet.
Then I'll be able to get her too. Her blood.'

My 𝗪𝗶𝗳𝗲 says

'You're too late. She's already gone.' I say laughing like a maniac.

'Oh don't worry I'll be able to find her soon since you had a tracker installed into her arm ages ago.'
She says and smirks

'By the time you get to her you won't walk away alive.' I say looking her dead in the eye

My head then droops because I lost so much blood. The pain is excruciating but I only did this to keep my niece safe.

'I-I ho-pe y-ou burn in h-hell'
I say for the final time.

(Third person)

Taylor sucks her teeth and calls Raymond's dead body pathetic.
"I'll find her soon Raymond. I'm smarter than you think."
She says leaving the house.


I hope this chapter was interesting..
I found it weird honestly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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