Unconventional Therapy

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It had taken Kurt a little while to get settled in with Abbey once Logan and K had left for the evening, but it was no time at all before he was on the floor with her, laughing hard enough that he couldn't breathe. And Abbey was loving every second of it.

They'd been playing their usual game - where he'd let Abbey get a hold of his tail, then give her a stern look when she pulled on it. She thought it was hilarious, and he did a fine job of looking irritated with her in spite of the belly laughs. That was, until he escalated the game and had her in his arms tickling her and sounding as angry as he was able ... and she growled at him.

For a split second, Kurt froze, which had the little girl lifting one eyebrow his way before she did it again - a bit more menacingly. Or as menacingly as a not-even-one-year old could manage. But it was more than Kurt could handle and he was positively beside himself laughing. Which Abbey thought was the very best thing that had happened all week. So she kept belly laughing and growling at him whenever he'd catch his breath halfway.

Before it was over, he was flat on the floor, and she crawled onto his chest so she could get even closer with her little high-pitched growls, and the amazing Nightcrawler was positively incapacitated just that simply.

Finally, Kurt scooped her up and kissed her cheek. "You've given me a belly ache, schatzi," he said with tears running down his face. Abbey's answer was a tiny, giggling growl before she leaned forward and melted into his shoulder, patting him as she snuggled in. It was clear that she was worn out from their little playing session.

"We should show someone your trick," Kurt told her quietly, getting another giggling growl out of the tiny girl. Kurt was smiling as he considered who would appreciate it most. He started to head toward the Summers' room but stopped and looked at the little girl with one eyebrow arched. "Not them. Not now. I'm sure Ororo would be thrilled though."

"'Wo," Abbey said before she growled again and Kurt pulled her closer to kiss her head.

"Yes, schatzi, 'Ro would love to hear your fearsome growl." He only took a few steps before he teleported up to the top of the stairs, which only had Abbey giggling all over again.

After the incident at the rave, Jubilee started to spend more and more time following K around. Jean was acting as her therapist and had talked to K about sitting in on one of Jubilee's sessions. It was obvious that the young woman was having a hard time coming to terms with what had happened, and was freaking out about the what could have beens. But considering the fact that a lot of horrible things hadn't happened, K refused to go to her sessions.i

"K, she's watching you - you've got her attention. She's impressed," Jean told her. "And Jubilee isn't impressed by much! You're married to her father figure -"

"She really considers him more of a big brother," K corrected, but Jean just rolled her eyes at that.

"She looks up to him more than anyone else here - and now she's looking up to you too. You need to be available for her. You need to help her."

"Jean," K said as she set Abbey down to play on the floor in favor of taking Jean's hand. "If Jubilee asks me to sit in with her, then I will. But only if she does it herself. Not you encouraging her - not Charles strongly suggesting it ... but if Jubilee wants me there."

K was working on fixing some fence line and the hot summer sun was beating down on her when Jubilee showed up, asking her why she was wearing a long sleeved shirt on such a hot day. The question was particularly intriguing to K seeing as Jubilee herself was rarely seen in anything less than a turtle neck and long pants lately. Regardless of the weather.

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