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The wedding was set to start in just a little over an hour's time and the little bridal party was finishing up. Clara had put flowers in her hair with Kitty's help - a task that Kitty turned out to be pretty good at, though Clara didn't see her phasing parts of the flowers to make them stay perfectly in place.

With the dresses and location in mind, K had pulled her long brown hair up into a Scandinavian-style milkmaid braid and was pinning it into place as Clara smiled at her - head in her hand as she watched.

"I haven't seen anyone wear that style in decades," Clara said suddenly with a faraway look on her face.

K paused and turned her way, her hands frozen into place. "I can do something else," she offered, but Clara quickly and lightly shook her head.

"No, I like it." She turned to Kitty with a curious look on her face. "Do you think you can wear yours that way too?"

Kitty glanced over to K with her eyebrows raised high and shrugged. "If K can help me, I think it's long enough."

The three women finished their work a little early and quietly made their way to the little white church where the ceremony was to be held as the light began to warm into rich pinks and oranges with the setting sun. The groom, Graham, Liam, and the preacher were at the front of the church waiting for the women to arrive. A friend of Bill's family walked with Clara down the aisle, past the little group of ranch hands on the grooms' side and to Clara's surprise, Logan, Abbey, Jean, and the students taking up the bride's side. The ceremony went quickly, and most filed out, except for everyone that had to sign the papers and Logan, who was anxious to get K to himself again.

With a sly smile, Clara took a minute to lean in close and whisper to K that she'd like to talk to her after she returned from her honeymoon. K smiled tightly and nodded before Clara gave her a squeeze in a gentle, almost sisterly way. "Be careful, OK?" Clara said, squeezing K's hand and fixing her with a more somber expression.

"You too. Congratulations," K replied as Logan and Bill shook hands.

Logan smoothly slipped his arms around K as the couples parted company. The ranch hands, students, and staff were already at the party the rodeo crew was throwing, and having a hell of a time from the sounds of it.

"You mind if I get changed first?" K asked her husband as they walked out of the church. "I'd like to be a little more comfortable." He shook his head, and leaned in to kiss the side of her face as he walked with her to the cabin. K stole a glance at him and frowned his way as if he'd lost his mind as he followed her, though the smile on his face as he reached up to run a finger along the braid on her head got a dry look from her. "I know, it's old fashioned. Shut up."

He only smiled a little more crookedly though as she balanced herself with one hand on his shoulder, ready to remove her heels. "No, I like it," he growled, already thinking of what he'd like to do to her.

She sighed suddenly, looking half worn out as her hands fell to her side. "You really don't give a damn what I look like at all do you?" she asked.

He shook his head lightly as he put his hands at her sides and pulled her closer for a quick kiss. "That's not really the point, darlin'. It's that you're mine," he replied, before he started nipping at her.

K couldn't stop the smile - or the light blush that was lost in the warm reddish light before she leaned in for a quick kiss that very quickly turned into something much more rushed and almost feverish - and delayed them from the party considerably.

The cabin was a mess by the time they finally broke apart, and Logan actually looked somewhat apologetic. "Got a little carried away -" he started to say before K cut him off, pointing a finger his way.

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