Shutting Down Department K

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The weather was being incredibly cooperative for the two women as dawn broke. K was nestled into the mountainside, her camo hiding her perfectly despite the fact she was wearing bright white and red under the ghillie suit. Natasha was almost at her side, keeping an eye on the surrounding area as K took her turn in the spotting scope, watching the operations going on below. K tipped her head a moment and looked at Natasha as she listened.

"You don't like me very much," K said, not surprised in the least when Natasha drew in a breath and held it for a moment.

"I haven't got much of a reason to yet," Natasha replied, glancing over at her for a moment. "And my job today is to keep you out of trouble. Not to like you."

K smirked and went back to her scope. "Not the first time you've had that assignment, is it?"

She could almost feel the woman bristle for an instant. "Actually - it's the first time I've had it in a protective manner."

"And you think you're going to succeed this time," K said, nodding to herself.

"You're married to someone I care very deeply about," Natasha told her. "And you did it without giving me proper time to dig into all that I should have. So yes. I will do everything I can to keep you from doing something stupid and hurting him. You should get used to that now."

All was quiet for a long while as the two women pointedly tried to ignore each other until finally, K's head automatically popped up at a sound too soft for Natasha to hear, though she'd seen the motion from Logan often enough to know that it was probably time.

"Sounds like the party just showed up," K told her quietl as Natasha doubled her efforts to watch out.

"I'll keep an eye out. Hopefully the other guys don't have reinforcements coming in. They're already better guarded than we anticipated," Natasha replied in a business-like tone, warily watching the scene below. Something big was about to go down. That much was clear. A string of Kamaz trucks was trickling in and it looked as if they were ready to start loading up equipment.

Both women shared a frown - none of this was what they were prepared for. "I'm calling this in," Natasha said quietly as some medical equipment was loaded into the back of one of the military trucks. "Those uniforms aren't US or Canadian. They were tipped off. We have to stop them before they leave." She made it through to Stark, who told her they were landing, ground attack was minutes out.

"What have you got?" Natasha asked K. "I know you have something you shouldn't."

K shrugged and pulled out one of the armor piercing magazines and racked it in, ready to start shooting out engine blocks if need be. "I can stop them from leaving," she promised. "If you want to check the windage ..."

Natasha looked up with a smirk and started spotting with Stark still on the line. "We can stop them, but it will give away our position," Natasha told him, before turning her attention to K, and not bothering to flip off the comm. "K - Looks like you're at 3.5 MOA."

"Thank you," K replied, shifting her left hand to support the butt of the rifle after she racked a round into the chamber.

"Woah, NO. Just wait! Don't do anything unless there's no other way. We're almost there, Logan's on the ground right now."

K took a deep breath as she saw a flash of yellow in the trees on the far side of the compound. They watched them loading, waiting for the go ahead when finally Scott's voice came over her earwig.

"Take the shot, K. We're in position, but we need a diversion. Be careful," Scott said. Before he'd finished the sentence the first round hit the engine block on the lead vehicle. She racked a second round as the soldiers below scrambled, trying to move the disabled truck. The second truck in line was hit, and the third, all within thirty seconds. Natasha was having trouble keeping up with K's pace, but she was smirking hard to herself while K kept it up, disabling one after the other until they were all unusable.

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