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Logan's head felt like he'd gone a few rounds with the Hulk. His eyes didn't want to cooperate with the hands that were on his arms, and as he pushed them back, he popped his claws, just to make a point. The sound of people scrambling back was clear, and from the smell of the air around him, he wasn't in Europe anymore.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, realizing that he was on the helicarrier. He wondered to himself what the hell happened for them to put him there. Wasn't he healing right? As he started to sit up, he got his answer. Tight bandages around his entire torso and a good part of his legs as well, many old bloodstains in several places. He didn't feel as if he had any open wounds though.

Cautiously he ran his hand across his chest, feeling for any sore spots. But no, he was all fixed up. He popped a claw and cut the bandages off before looking around the medical bay. There was one other person there in plain sight, an agent that had broken his leg during the same mission Logan had been shot up. Looks like Nick finally told 'em to give me space when I wake up, Logan thought to himself just as a door closed gently behind a doctor as she entered the room. He couldn't quite see what had been behind it, but upon seeing Wolverine up and about the SHIELD doc simply brought him his civilian clothes without a word spoken. He dressed quickly and headed to the bridge. Might as well since Fury'd be looking for him before too long.

When he got to the bridge, he wasn't overly surprised to see Nick and Cap along with a handful of high ranking agents watching a live feed of a group of SHIELD personnel hauling Viper into a jet, oxygen mask on her face with blood splattered on the inside and strapped very securely to a gurney, though the blood was soaking through the sheet that covered her body.

"What happened? You get an agent that lost his temper?" Logan asked, startling Fury and earning a very guilty look from Cap. Fury didn't waste any time beating around the bush, giving Logan a very quick rundown of the events from less than an hour earlier.

Logan's gaze locked back on the screen as they wheeled out his little bride tied down like Hannibal Lector, complete with what appeared to be an adamantium laced straight jacket similarly secured to a gurney as she was loaded up as well, Stark and his assistant, Pepper, looked entirely frazzled as they loaded up right behind K. Logan felt his temper flare and got all of five steps towards Fury and Steve when Thor blocked his path with a hand on his shoulder.

"You would be wise to wait before you pass judgement," Thor said, stony faced.

"She fought like a tiger," Steve said when he saw that Logan was allowing Thor to stop him. "You'll be able to see exactly what happened along with us."

"She's only tied up because she damn near killed four of our agents." Fury said, trying to appease Logan when he saw the look on his face.

"What'd they do to get her riled?" Logan asked, his expression still hard.

"Nothing. Viper poisoned her. She's having...a bad reaction," Fury replied with a tone of interest, though he too, was angry that the entire thing had devolved to this point.

They watched the screen for a moment longer before the feed zoomed in on the resuscitative efforts being used by the team. "The amazing thing from what Stark told us, was that she took a massive dose from those damn darts and still managed to take Viper down," Fury said, admiration clear in his voice, a rare compliment.

The monitor behind him beeped, signaling the completed transfer of the surveillance from Stark's house. Fury kept it on a small monitor, sending out all unnecessary personnel before locking down the bridge and blowing it up for them to watch on the big screen.

They saw as K and Stark had entered the building and Stark immediately ran off to the lower reaches of the house leaving K to herself once Pepper slipped over to her office. She was off screen for a moment but when she came back into view, Viper had a gun to her head and was clearly directing the smaller woman on what to do. K sat with her, calm and stock still while Viper hissed in her ear until Tony reappeared, looking and sounding jovial. The altercation between the two women was so fast that Fury had to rewind it and slow it down just to see what had happened. Logan cringed when he watched K disarm and beat Viper with her own pistol before Viper unloaded her hidden gun on her. The darts flew and Fury froze screen, counting up how many had actually made contact with the little woman.

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