Spring Is In The Air

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By mid March, everyone in the mansion was predictably getting a little stir crazy. The melting snow and sporadic rain storms made anything outside messy, cold and miserable. Because of this, the lessons that K had been running were more than a little bit messy as she made the students ride through the cold, wet, half flooded arena.

Things on the bad guy front were suspiciously quiet, though Charles had mentioned to the team that Magneto was to set to have a meeting with him the following week. As a direct result, training sessions were ramping up and everyone on the team ended up having to make a schedule on who used the danger room when as the adults were all antsy and needed to do something to burn off their nerves.

The 'trench warfare synch up' as K was calling it between her and Logan had been finally starting to be something they could rely on in the heat of battle, yet they still had to figure out how to turn on and off, and every time that it happened, both of them ended up needing to recharge.

K had gotten so worn out from the more intense schedule in addition to the continued shenanigans with Logan, that she'd taken to sneaking a nap early in the afternoon when most of the teachers were preoccupied. Logan was the first to notice she wasn't eating well on top of everything else, and it was clear to him that she was losing weight. Afraid that it might be a depression issue, he decided to talk to her about it when one of his combat classes ended prematurely with one of the students having lost her temper, injuring several of her classmates.

He couldn't find K anywhere in the mansion, and decided to check the barn – that was usually where she snuck off to when she wanted time to think, but today – no dice. No sign that she'd been in there for hours either. He ran into Ororo on his way back to the mansion, trying to figure where she'd gone.

"Did you check the bedroom?" Ororo asked, causing Logan some confusion.

"Why would she be there?" Logan asked, as Ororo smiled at him knowingly.

"That's where she's been going lately. It is her favorite spot, after all. I'm sure you'll find her there," she replied, on her way back to the greenhouse. He frowned after her then headed to the boathouse, though he only made it halfway there before the skies opened up and treated him to an icy cold spring shower, soaking him to the bone by the time he got to the door. He turned toward the greenhouse just long enough to see a whisper of movement - and that was more than enough to get him swearing under his breath at the weather Goddess. There was no way that was an accident.

As soon as he stepped inside the boathouse, he knew Ororo was right, the place smelled of K's warm scent - pine, lilac and fresh hay being the strongest notes she at the moment. He kicked off his boots and headed for their bedroom, stripping off wet clothes as he went, and still half grumbling to himself about Ororo's little prank.

K didn't wake up when he came in. And that never happened. He watched her sleep for a few moments, then toweled off and climbed into bed, wrapping his arms around her, and nuzzling her neck in an effort to wake her. She barely cracked an eye as she snuggled back into him.

And now, he knew something was wrong. She never slept that soundly.

"K, darlin'," Logan said quietly as he nuzzled her ear. "Hey. Wake up." His tone was little more firm after she ignored him the first time. She opened her eyes a little and began to stretch.

"Jeez, you're cold. Am I late for class?" she asked, turning to face him and wrapping her arms around him.

"No, sweetie. But I gotta ask - you alright?"

"Well, sure I am. M'just tired," she replied, then leaned forward to kiss him on the nose. "Why? You worried about me?" she asked, smiling.

"Little bit," he admitted. "You didn't hear me come in?" She took a deep breath and slightly shook her head, looking puzzled. "You aren't eatin' right either, lately." She wrinkled up her nose and she snuggled into his neck, planting a kiss on his adam's apple.

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