Loopholes -or- WHY Would You Tell?

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The briefing, although a little awkward with all of the people present, was a lot more straightforward than Logan had thought it would be. Stark had gained enough intel thorough some program that he'd launched to shut down the people that were running Weapon X's old department. Their recent kidnapping and torture of K was enough to tip the scales in the favor of the mutant population within the walls of SHIELD. Especially when one of the higher ups under Fury pointed out that if word got out on what they had done to unwilling participants, it would be a political fire storm.

The governing power that overlooked SHIELD was properly swayed, and both governments involved quickly said they wanted it permanently shut down on the before their indiscretions went public ... all while distancing themselves from the effort to do so. Both Canada and the States claimed that they had no role in the Department's current status, and the Canadian representative had even gone so far as to say he had no idea that it was even still operational.

But - because it was such a big, black operation, It was a big enough that the X-Men alone wouldn't be enough to deal with what SHIELD had been calling 'a mutant problem'. Magneto's involvement was a personal one, however - and one that SHIELD didn't appreciate, but Charles had of course stood up for his old friend's intentions. Erik's spies had stolen the files that were on SHIELD's mainframe outlining how long SHIELD had been aware of the problem, and Erik was already willing to mount an offensive simply by K's existence – seeing as she was a living testament to everything that the American and Canadian governments had done to fail protecting their mutant citizens - with the vividly fresh memory to prove it was still happening.

And although Charles had insisted that it was up to K, Erik had made it clear that he very much wanted to spend a little time with her to hear her version of events.

Scott took control where Stark left off and clearly outlined the plan of attack. "We'll storm the place with Logan and K running interference, they should have no trouble sniffing out the best way in, then we'll follow with strike teams to assault anyone that needs it on their way in. I'll need a group to immobilize and apprehend the main culprits in the operation as well," Scott said as the pictures appeared on the holographic screen hovering at the long table. "Professor Thornton, Dr. Cornelius, and their wayward assistant and lackey, Dr. Hines." Of course, there were several volunteers for that as he continued to quickly outline the initial strike. And by the time he was done outlining the first part of the plan, Logan's teeth were on edge.

"Before you go on, I need a minute with ya, Slim," Logan said – clearly upset about something that Scott couldn't place.

"After we lay it all out, Logan. I can't leave everyone hanging just because you don't like the initial assignment," Scott replied, surprising K. She'd heard the teasing back and forth, but she'd never thought that Scott would be so openly dismissive.

"Can't wait, Scott," Logan said, his expression all business. Scott stared at him for a moment with the muscles in his jaw clearly working overtime before he sighed and asked Stark to carry on explaining as he and Logan stepped outside the war room. K watched them through the windows as Stark talked ... and she didn't like what she saw. Scott was getting animated as Logan was the one to look like the voice of reason for a change. Several exchanges went on when suddenly the door opened and Scott stuck his head in, interrupting Stark's explanation of the technical assault they had planned.

"K, can you come out here? Hank – you too," Scott said, his jaw set in a way that made it clear to her that he'd made up his mind, too. K and Hank locked gazes across the room and stood, though Hank held the door for her as they left. Jean and Betsy watched with interest, eyes wide and their eyebrows high as the conversation bounced between the three men and K. Jean let out a little squeak and covered her mouth when she scanned their thoughts, realizing they weren't arguing over the assignment per se, but K's participation due to her condition.

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