On the Eleventh Day of Christmas

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"You know it's kinda late right now but your fireplace has me thinking," Tommy said, leaning back on the couch and taking a sip of hot chocolate. "Oh yeah? What're you thinking?" "I was thinking you should have me over tomorrow and we should make smores in your fireplace!" he said. "Smores?" I asked, and he nodded. "Yeah! I mean come on, think about it! You've got a fireplace, why not?"

I shrugged, looking at the empty fireplace. "Well, I mean I guess it could work! I'd have to get some logs I guess, but yeah it could work! So you wanna come over tomorrow evening after dinner to make some smores?" I asked. Smiling, he pulled me against his side until I was resting my head on his shoulder. "I think that's exactly what I want to do," he said with a smile. My heart swelled and I closed my eyes, taking a sip of my mug of hot chocolate. "Well I'm looking forward to it," I said, half to myself, and he gave me a squeeze. I nestled against his side a bit more, wishing that he'd just kiss me on the forehead or something, but he just fidgeted with the ends of my hair, arm still comfortably around my shoulders. Without even really meaning to, I started to nod off, falling asleep against his side.

"Hey. Hey shrimp." "W-what?" I mumbled, sitting up and blinking in confusion. "I'm gonna head out, you're falling asleep so I'm gonna give you a chance to go to bed. Goodnight man, I'll see you tomorrow!" he said, rising to his feet and walking to the door. "Oh, uh, bye Tommy! I'll see you tomorrow!" I said, giving him a parting wave as he stepped out the front door with a smile. The instant it closed behind him, I flopped back on the couch with a dreamy sigh, smiling fondly up at the ceiling. I was very much looking forward to tomorrow.

The next day, I gathered together some marshmallows and graham crackers and some chocolate bars, spreading them out onto a plate. "Hm okay what else? Oh duh! Logs!" I said, walking outside to the woodpile behind my house. "Alright past Eric, did you stockpile enough?" I asked, kicking through some snow before finding the tarp. Crossing my fingers, I lifted the edge of it, feeling a smile spread across my face as I saw a few logs there. "Ah, perfect! Good job, past Eric," I said with a chuckle, grabbing three of them and bringing them inside.

I was in the middle of lighting the fire when the doorbell rang. "Just go ahead and come in!" I shouted over my shoulder. The front door opened and Tommy walked in, giving me a smile and ruffling my hair. "Hey shrimp! Need help?" he asked. "Yeah, go into the kitchen and get a few pieces of newspaper from the basket, I need some kindling," I said, setting up the logs in a bit of a pyramid, adding in a few small sticks. Tommy returned a moment later, handing me some crumpled pieces of newspaper. "Alright here you go!" he said cheerfully, flopping onto the couch as I finally lit the fire.

Humming softly to myself, I poked the fire, stoking it until it bloomed into a nice crackling flame. I rose to my feet, walking to the couch and sitting next to Tommy. "Alright we'll just wait for it to die down a bit and then roast some marshmallows!" I said. He slipped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me against his side like always. "Well I'm happy to wait with you," he murmured, giving me a squeeze. We sat on the couch watching as the fire died down, chatting a bit but mainly just sitting there, perfectly content to be in each other's company.

At last, the fire had faded to pretty much just embers and I rose to my feet, walking to the kitchen and returning with the plate of smores stuff. "Alright I'd say it's ready now!" I said. "Perfect! Where are the roasting sticks?" he asked, taking the plate from my hands. I froze, staring blankly at him. "O-oh. Ohhhh. Oh no," I said, and he burst into laughter. "Eric, Eric, Eric. Why am I not surprised? Just wait a minute, lucky for us I figured you didn't have any so I've got some in my car. One sec," he said, rising to his feet and grabbing his keys.

He was back a minute later, handing me one of the skewers. "At least I'm responsible," he teased. "Hey! I got everything else ready!" I said defensively, spearing a marshmallow before holding it over the flames, sitting crosslegged on the floor. Grinning, he sat next to me, skewering a marshmallow of his own and holding it over the flames. I moved mine closer to the embers, right in the sweet spot. I watched contentedly as it started to go from white to a perfect golden brown.

"Oops," Tommy said abruptly, igniting his marshmallow. "Veryyy smooth," I said with a smirk, nudging him in the ribs as he did his best to blow out the flaming marshmallow. "Oh shut up. I got distracted," he snapped. "Distracted? Doing what?" I asked. His face went red and he shrugged. "Staring at y--the fire and I uh...spaced out I guess," he mumbled hastily, eating the burnt marshmallow anyway and grabbing another one. "Damn, keep that up and you really will be Ace's replacement," I said with a grin. He chuckled, going back to toasting his new marshmallow. "Must just be the Spaceman in me," he said, shaking his head.

Grinning, I made myself a smore with my perfectly toasted marshmallow, taking a bite. "Mm this was a good idea! Nice job Tom." "Every so often I come up with good ideas," he said with a satisfied smile, right before his marshmallow burst into flames again. "You're hopeless," I said as he blew out the marshmallow, eating the charred mess. "I do what I can, which to be fair isn't much. We can't all be good at this," he said with a shrug. "Okay finee I'll make you one," I grumbled, spearing another marshmallow. "Aw you're so sweet," he said, giving me a warm smile.

Rolling my eyes, I toasted him a marshmallow, making it into a smore and handing it to him. He took a bite, leaning against me and resting his head against mine. "Delicious. You do toast a good mallow," he said. "Anything for a really good friend," I said, and his eyes sparkled.

Eleven days down, one to go.

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