On the Sixth Day of Christmas

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The doorbell rang and I jumped off the couch, grabbing a jacket and shrugging it on before pulling open the door. Tommy gave me a wide smile. "Hey shrimp!" he said, ruffling my hair affectionately. "Hey Tom! Ready to go then?" I asked, and he nodded, walking toward his car. I quickly locked my front door behind me and followed after him, sliding into the passenger seat with a shiver. "Damn, it's cold outside," I muttered, and he nodded. "Well, it's like past eight so it's pitch black outside and it's been snowing off and on for weeks now and there's about a foot of snow on the ground," he said with a smirk. "So yeah, I'd say it's cold." 

Rolling my eyes, I punched him gently in the arm. "Oh, shut up. I was trying to start a conversation." He laughed, shaking his head. "Eric, we've been friends for years! There's no need for casual 'so how about that weather' conversation!" "Okay fine! What should we talk about then?" I snapped. "Hm, good question. What're your plans for the holidays, I guess?" "Well, I'm staying here, probably just gonna do something on my own. Call my parents and stuff." "Aw, sorry you don't have more exciting plans. I'd celebrate with you if I wasn't out of town. Or I'd invite you but all of my siblings are gonna be there so there's not gonna be any room in the house and also it'd just be kinda awkward." 

"Aw don't worry about it, it's fine!" I said. I mean it wasn't fine, I desperately wanted to spend the holidays with him, but that wasn't exactly something I could say outright. "Yeah. Maybe next year though! And I'll be back for other holidays, like Valentine's and St. Patrick's Day and stuff. So we can for sure hang out then," he said, and I nodded. "Sounds like a plan." We just chatted amicably about nothing as we drove to the place that Eric had recommended, finally arriving. Tommy pulled open the car door for me, giving me a grin. "After you," he said. Rolling my eyes, I walked up to the building with him. We quickly paid the fee for an hour long ride before heading to the horse-drawn sleigh. 

Tommy nudged me, giving me a grin. "You need a boost there, shrimp?" he asked. I stuck my tongue out at him, scrambling up into the sleigh. "No I do not." With a laugh, he stepped into the sleigh much easier, sitting next to me and spreading the blanket over us. The driver snapped the reigns and the horse tossed its head before trotting off, bells on the sleigh jingling faintly, a clear silver ringing in the stillness of the night. If it was snowing, it would've been something straight out of a Hallmark movie.

Shivering, I sat in the back of the sleigh, wrapping my arms around myself. "Damn, it is really cold," I said. "Well they gave us a blanket for a reason," Tommy said, pulling it higher over our legs. "Well it doesn't matter because I'm still freezing!" I grumbled. "Oh, stop being so dramatic," Tommy said with a laugh, slipping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me against his side. "Here, just lean against me, then you won't be so cold," he said, giving my shoulder a squeeze. 

I hesitated for a moment and he gave me a reassuring smile. "Come on shrimp, don't be shy! You're cold, let me warm you up!" he said, rubbing my arm, and I returned the smile, leaning against his side and resting my head in the comfortable spot right where his arm met his shoulder. "Hopefully now you'll stop bitching about the weather," he teased. I rolled my eyes, hoping my face wasn't as red as it felt, but his smile got bigger, eyes sparkling. "You're blushing," he said, but I just rolled my eyes again. "No, I'm freezing. My face is red because it's really fucking cold outside." 

"Shh stop complaining about the weather and just enjoy the ride! I mean come on, look at the stars!" he said, leaning his head back. I chose instead to look at him, heart melting as I traced the lines of his face. His eyes were shining with stars, a happy smile on his face, and I snuggled as close against him as I felt I could get away with. Tommy nudged me, pointing up at the sky. "That one's Orion," he said. "Okay I know that one, I'm not stupid," I said, and he smiled, pulling me closer against his side. "Alright then, if you're so smart, what's that one?" he asked, pointing at a group of stars. "Hmm...that one's...the big dipper." He burst into laughter, ruffling my hair. "It is not. That's Gemini." 

"Eh, close enough," I said with a shrug. He gave me a fond smile, pointing at another one. "That one's Cancer. And there's Canis Minor." I nodded, leaning against him as he kept pointing out constellations to me. "Damn, you know a lot about stars," I said, and he grinned. "I'm the Spaceman, it's part of my job." I giggled in spite of how stupid a joke it was. "I see. So does Ace know a lot about stars too?" "Nah, his Spaceman is more being spaced out, you know?" "Ain't that the truth," I said. 

We lapsed back into a content silence before he smiled. "So what's the plan for tomorrow, huh?" I gave him a baffled look. "What do you mean?" "Well I dunno! We've just gotten together for the past few days, I kinda figured you'd want to hang out tomorrow. It's okay if you don't though!" he added hastily. My heart leapt and I gave him a smile. "No, we can! Uh, want to come over to my place and we can watch a Christmas movie or something?" I asked. He nodded, giving me a squeeze. "Sounds like a plan. I'm looking forward to it!" "Me too," I murmured, going back to leaning against his side. 

Six days down, six to go. Halfway there.

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