On the Third Day of Christmas

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I looked at the clock, wringing my hands. "Come on Tommy, you said you'd be here at six! It's already 6:20!" I whispered to myself. No sooner had the words left my mouth did the doorbell ring. Grinning, I pulled it open, smiling up at Tommy. "Hey Tom!" "Hey shrimp! Brought you a sweater," he said, handing one off to me. "Lucky for you I bought it in the wrong size so it should fit you decently enough." I looked at his sweater with a smile. It wasn't even like a pun or anything, it was just a really ugly sweater completely covered in various Christmas designs. "I like your sweater," I said, and he shrugged, face going a bit pink. "Thanks! It's old," he said sheepishly. "Looks nice on you though. Anyway, I'll go throw this on," I said, walking off to my room.

His sweater did look nice on him, it looked really nice on him, fitting him snugly without being too tight, accentuating all his curves and muscles just perfectly. Giggling like an idiot, I grabbed a plain white undershirt out of my dresser, shrugging that on before pulling on the sweater. It was still a bit too big on me, but fit well enough, a nice blue sweatshirt with a snowman and 'Up to Snow Good' on it. After grinning at my reflection and the stupid pun for probably too long, I grabbed a blue bandana out of my dresser, tying it around my forehead and pushing my long blond hair out of my face.

I walked back into the front hall and Tommy's face absolutely lit up. "Hey that looks really good! Damn that really makes your eyes look nice!" he said, and my heart swelled at the compliment. "Thanks! Yeah I like the color. I like the pun too," I said, and he nodded. "I know, I was so bummed I ordered it in the wrong size, but they were sold out so I didn't bother returning it. Anyway, shall we go?" he said, and I nodded, grabbing my house keys and the gifts for all my friends before locking my front door behind us as we walked to his car.

We chatted about whatever as we drove to Gene's house. "So how long do you think they'll stay together this time?" I asked, and he frowned. "Hmm, let's see. They're up to what, three weeks now?" he asked, and I nodded. "Yep. Record is half a year." "You know what, I think this time it's for real. I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and say that this time they're gonna stick with it." "Damn, really?! Well, maybe you're right. I guess we'll see if the fifth time's the charm," I said with a shrug. "It will be. Just you wait."

We pulled up to Gene's house, parking on the curb before walking up to the front door and ringing the bell. It took maybe two seconds for Eric to pull open the door, giving me and Tommy a wide smile. "Oh it's other Eric an' Tommy!" he said, face flushed, before giving me a hug. Laughing, I hugged him back. "Eric, it's like 7. How are you drunk?" "Nuh-uh! I resent that, I'm tipsy," he said, answering my question by taking a long sip of the eggnog clutched in his hand. "Ah. That explains that. Are the rest of them here?" He nodded, ushering us inside. "Yep! Y'all are late. I like your sweater!" he said, before starting to hiccup uncontrollably.

"Thanks! I like yours too!" I said. Bruce walked into the living room, giving us a smile. "Hey Eric, hey Tommy!" "Hi handsome!" Eric said, wrapping his arms around his husband. "I wasn't talking to you, but hello. You're done with the bourbon in the eggnog, by the way," he said, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at him. Eric pouted at him, taking a pointedly loud sip, and I bit back a smile. "You're no fun." "I'm trying to keep you sober. I already know Ace and/or Peter is gonna get drunk, we don't need to add you to that list."

As if he heard his name being mentioned, Ace stumbled into the living room, holding his own glass of eggnog. "Heyy, Tommy and Eric and Eric and Bruce!" he said cheerfully, walking over and leaning on Bruce's shoulder. Bruce grinned, patting Ace on the head. "Hey Frehley. Where's Peter at?" "Mm good question. Hey babe! Where are you?!" he shouted into the depths of the house. "Kitchen!" Peter shouted back, and Ace gave us a satisfied smile. "Kitchen! An' I'm pretty sure that Genie and Paulie are in the kitchen too."

"Cool, we should probably go say hi since they're hosting and stuff," I said, grabbing Tommy by the wrist and dragging him into the kitchen. Peter was sitting at the table, drinking, and gave us a wave before walking out of the room, presumably to join his boyfriend. Gene and Paul were in the middle of getting a large spread of different foods placed onto the island, bickering playfully with each other before looking over at us as we walked into the room. "Oh hey guys! Do you want anything to drink? We've got like eggnog and cider and alcohol to mix in it if you want, assuming Peter didn't drink it all," Gene said, gesturing at the counter. "Hey! I heard that!" Peter shouted.

I bit back a sigh as Tommy pulled his wrist free of my hand, walking over to where the drinks were. "Sure yeah I'll join the party and have some eggnog. Eric, can I get you anything?" "Oh, some cider would be nice, but I can get it myself," I said, but he shook his head. "Nah, I got it!" Smiling, I accepted the glass he handed me, taking a sip before turning to Gene and Paul. "So can I do anything to help with dinner?" I asked, but they shook their heads. "We've got it covered! Thanks though," Paul said, giving Gene a dreamy smile and a kiss. Tommy and I exchanged glances before he rolled his eyes, and I bit back a laugh. Every time Gene and Paul got back together, they ended up being annoyingly affectionate for at least the first few weeks.

"Here, let's go to the living room with the rest of them. Paul and Gene have a solid handle on the food," Tommy said, slipping an arm around my shoulders and steering me out of the room. I locked eyes with Gene and he gave me a smug smile, waggling his eyebrows, and I flipped him off, hoping desperately Tommy was oblivious to our little wordless exchange. Tommy sat on the couch, sitting me next to him and, to my relief, left his arm around my shoulders as we sat and talked with Eric and Bruce and Peter and Ace. It was a struggle to resist the urge to lean against him, but hey, I had nine more days. I could definitely reach the stage of being close enough with him to do that.

Three days down, nine to go.

12 Days of Kissmas (Eric Singer x Tommy Thayer)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora