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Word count: 3854

Louis' POV

The progress that Harry had made over the past few months was quite honestly something I was very proud of. It's been just about exactly two months since he left the hospital and he's been doing amazing. His wrist has healed, along with the gash in his side; leaving a large scar in its wake. Walking is still something we're working on, but it's gone well. Harry may not be running marathons yet, but he can walk for a long time (with a slight limp) before his knee starts bothering him which is progress in itself. Bending down has also been hard, but he can almost do it.

It's also been really nice that we both have been able to attend class again. As much as I love being around Harry, I think it's safe to say that we need a little room to breathe, all couples do. You can't be around the same person every single moment of the day and not want to get away from one another eventually. At the end of the day he's still the person I want to fall asleep next to anyways, which is really what matters.

As nice as it's been going back to school, what hasn't been nice is the stress of being behind. Due to me having to take care of Harry, I really haven't had much time for my own homework and papers. Which is how I find myself in class, staring at the D- on my test paper. I felt numb when I saw the 62% on the top of my test and my stomach dropped while also almost leaping out of my throat at the same time. To make matters worse in my next class we were assigned a paper on music theory and development on top of the piles and piles of homework I have. My good grades and the hard work I've put in was slowly slipping away from me, and my anxiety was through the roof.

It's not that I blame Harry for this, of course I don't. He needed me. I would more say I blame the school system. A lot of teachers or deans don't understand what us as students are going through in our personal lives, only focusing on the next assignment due or the next paper deadline. It's hard, but unfortunately that's college for you.

I was very relieved when I finished my last class, wanting nothing more than to go home and curl up on the couch, maybe have a good cry. I could feel my head pounding, an ache in my throat telling me that a breakdown was inevitable along with the pressure behind my eyes of tears. It was honestly just one of those days where it felt like the world was targeting me and all I could do was sit there and take hit after hit. When I pulled into the driveway, I took a couple of deep breaths to attempt to keep myself together for when I see Harry. He's been doing online school only with his leg being the way it is, online just seemed easier than him trying to walk around campus.

I exited my car and walked in the flat, greeted by the warm smell of home and Harry, although Harry is most definitely much more my home than four walls will ever be. I heard the TV was on so I figured it was safe to assume Harry didn't hear me come in, which is fine. I don't want him rushing up anyways. I sighed as I dropped my bag to the floor, letting the physical weight of my day fall off my shoulders while the emotional weight hovered.

I went over to the cabinet and pulled out a glass, filling it with water. I took a sip then set it on the counter. I must not have reached far enough, or a higher power was trying to tell me that my day was just meant to be shit, because the glass ended up falling to the floor, making me jump back with a yelp as it shattered into pieces, water going everywhere. I, of course, when stepping back stepped directly onto a shard of glass making me yell out in pain. And that, that was enough to do me in to send me into full on hysterics.

Harrys POV

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen, that was until I heard Louis yell, realizing that it was him. I got off the sofa as fast as I could, and hobbled into the kitchen. I tried to jog which made my limping really bad, it's usually something I could control unless I'm moving faster than a walk.

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