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Hello everyone! If this is your first time reading one of my stories, welcome and thank you (something you will definitely realize I say a LOT) for taking the time to check out my work. I have been in this fandom since the beginning, I took quite a long break from writing until I went back a few months ago to finish up my last story. If you haven't heard of it, it's called 'My One and Only' which is a Lirry Stayne story, it also has a sequel called 'One Year'.

I will do my very best to update weekly, that's kind of what I did with my last story. I have a lot of ideas in my mind for this story which usually leads to more frequent updates!

This story will contain some mature content, mainly smut so if you are not comfortable with that here's your warning :)

Thank you once again for checking out this story. Love one another. Be safe. Stay healthy. Enjoy my loves!


Word count: 2,576

Louis' POV

"Z?" I grumbled, slamming my hand down on the beeping alarm clock.

I sat up in my bed and rubbed my face. Whoever decided that classes needed to start at early as 8 am can burn in hell.

I am most definitely not a morning person. Neither is my best friend, Zayn.

Zayn and I have been best friends since primary school. We were basically brothers at this point, we stuck very close to each other our whole lives and he knew everything about me. He was the first person I told when I realized in horror that I liked guys. It was a terrifying time, but he was there for me and told me that no matter what he would always be there for me and assured me there's nothing wrong with liking guys.

That same year, he came out as bisexual. And no, we most certainly have never had romantic feelings for one another.

He helped me tell my family, and I helped him tell his. Our families luckily accepted us, his mum was a bit more hesitant than mine but she eventually came around.

We were lucky enough to both get into Eton college, a private all boys school in London. We worked hard to make it to this point, and here we were, little freshman in college with big dreams, looking to pave a way for ourselves.

It would be much easier to pave that path if Zayn woke the fuck up.

I got out of bed with my pillow in hand. I walked across the incredibly small room over to my sleeping best friend.

"Zayn!" I yelled, smacking him with the pillow. "Wake up, it's our first day," I said, emphasizing each word with a smack of my pillow. He stirred and angrily ripped the pillow out of my hand.

"Bloody hell Lou, chill the fuck out I was about to get up," he groaned, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head. His hair was a complete mess and he looked like he barely slept, which in reality is all he ever does really.

"My fat arse you were about to get up, I practically had to drag you out. We have to get ready and go eat breakfast then we have lecture at 8. English 202," I said as I stripped out of my pajama pants and shirt. I found a pair of black skinny jeans and slid those on, along with a white t shirt and an Adidas hoodie. Like I previously mentioned, Zayn and I are so close that it doesn't bother either of us when one of us strips down. It's become a natural thing, really.

"Fucking English. Why did we decide to take a higher level instead of basic freshman English? I feel like we wouldn't have to be up so damn early," he whined, also stripping down then changing into a pair of skinny jeans and a black shirt.

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