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If anyone would like to respond, how are we all doing? How are you mentally? Are we all doing okay? Just checking in :) let's start the show!

Word count: 3834

Harrys' POV

Things with my family went great for the rest of our stay. I could tell my whole family absolutely adored Louis, and Louis adored them. On Sunday I actually had found Louis curled up next to my mum on the couch, napping while she read. It made my heart positively swell. When we left, my mum had a harder time saying goodbye to Louis than she did me it seemed, tearing up as she pulled away from Louis' embrace. Louis' eyes sparkled with unshed tears also, clearly forming a bond with my family.

Things had been going so great. We had been back to school for about three weeks now and we had 5 days before our break started. All five of us had been feeling the pressure, our schoolwork piling on as teachers loaded us up with tests and projects due right before break. Our usual weekend hangouts in the common room watching movies has turned into all five of us gathering at the library and going over our exam revisions. Liam, Niall, and I helped each other while Zayn and Louis worked together, then one of us stepping in to help when they didn't understand something since we had gone through it before.

The one thing that I've learned, is when there's strain on one part of your life, there's strain on other parts.

School, of course, had been affecting my relationship with Louis. It wasn't very obvious at first, mainly because Louis usually gets into these moods where he can be incredibly shy around me and just wants me to hold him, especially around the other lads. He's typically a perfect little angel.

Until today. Today he was a pure menace.

With a week before break, our teachers gave us Monday and Tuesday off from classes to revise and go into our classrooms with any last minute questions. Wednesday through Friday would then be days dedicated to testing before releasing us for break. The lads and I had been revising so much over the weekend, we felt we can have a day of just hanging out together and take a break from stressing over course work.

"Hey lads," I said as I entered the common room. Niall and Liam were the only ones in there as of now, Louis and Zayn texted saying they were on their way, and all the other students were off studying. Niall had hooked up an Xbox to a TV and was pulling out all sorts of video games and movies from his book bag. Liam had stocked up on beer and snacks, while I was in charge of ordering pizza for all of us later in the evening.

"Hey Harry, where's your lover boy? Usually he's attached to you," Niall laughed as he sat down on the couch.

"He's on his way, we haven't talked much the past day, think he's just stressed," I said with a slight nod of my head, trying to ignore the feeling that I was doing something wrong to push him away.

"Well, we've got all day together, so hopefully he'll loosen up. What about you and little Zayn, Li? Everything good?"

"Everything is absolutely perfect. We're going to Zayns families house until Christmas Eve since they don't really celebrate, just exchange some gifts then we'll be going to mine. I really love him," Liam gushed. He was so in love with Zayn it's not even funny. He is absolutely smitten.

Just then Zayn and Louis burst through the door. I held my breath as I saw Louis come in, looking softer than normal. He had on plaid pajama pants, a white shirt, and a beanie. I immediately stood up to greet him.

"Hi darling," I breathed as I slid my arms around his waist. His eyes were bright with a hint of mischief, quickly hugging me back.

"Hello, Harold," he said playfully before pulling away to leap onto the sofa, jostling Zayn as he landed, who was cuddling into Liam.

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