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Thank you all so much for your support, I hope these updates provides you with some sort of break from all the craziness that's happening now. Also, black lives matter ❤️

Word count: 2861

Louis' POV

"You excited to spend four days with Harrys family?" Zayn asked from our spot in the library. We had gone in there to study but it mainly turned into us just talking about things going on in our lives to one another. I felt like I wasn't as close to Zayn as I had been now that he has Liam and I have Harry. I had found out that Zayn and Liam had sex the night of the Halloween party, and he didn't hesitate to go into detail about it (which I didn't necessarily care for). I also found out him and Liam had been hanging out with Niall much more than I thought; Niall's kind of a social butterfly so it's hard to keep track of him, so I'm glad they had at least been hanging out with him and keeping up with his life, it made me wonder if Harry and I spend too much time in our dorm rooms.

"Yeah I am, got me bag packed and everything. We're leaving early morning tomorrow so I'm going to sleep in Harry's dorm tonight. I'm a little nervous though, I want his family to like me," I said and looked down at the textbook in front of me that I hadn't touched the whole time.

"Lou trust me, anyone would be crazy to not like you, people practically fall into your lap as soon as they meet you, and if Harry has similar opinions to them they're going to adore you," Zayn said while reaching across the table to rub my arm.

"Thanks lad, what are you and Liam doing over this break?"

"We're going to his families house actually, I'm meeting the Payne's. I've talked to his mum on the phone a couple of times so I'm not too worried," Zayn shrugged while absentmindedly chewing on his pencil.

"That's great, you guys are honestly like made for each other, anyone with eyes can see you have Liam on lock down," I laughed while Zayn blushed.

"Yeah says the person who literally has a man looming over him 24/7, I don't think there's anyone more whipped than Harry," Zayn lightly nudged my foot with his under the table as we laughed at what he said.

"I don't think he looms, does he?" I laughed again.

"Well, considering him and Liam just walked in and he noticed you the second he stepped foot through the door, I would say he looms." I looked at the door and saw Liam and Harry walking over to us, Harry staring intently at my face, a small smile playing on his face.

"Hello darling," Harry said and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Hi babe," I grinned while moving over so Harry could inhabit the seat next to me.

"Liam babe, we need your opinion," Zayn said seriously while snuggling up to him. "Harry looms over Louis doesn't he?"

"What?! I don't loom!"

"Mate, you kind of loom," Liam said as he squeezed Zayn closer.

"I don't loom, do I?" Harry asked turning to me. I shrugged my shoulders and let out a light laugh as he turned and looked at Zayn and Liam incredulously.

"Harry lad, you practically go to the toilet with him, you maybe loom a little," Liam said. Harry looked at me again and I just smiled and kissed him gently.

"That's alright with me, I wouldn't have Harry any other way," I said while smiling at him.

"Yuck you guys are so fucking in love it's disgusting, get a room," Zayn said while pressing his face into Liams chest.

"Okay," Harry said bluntly while grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the table and out the library.

"Wow, where we going love?" I asked while I clutched Harrys hand.

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