(Opening Act: Turn 8) Final Preparations

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Final chapter of the 'Opening Act'. Finally getting this slow build-up over. Enjoy the chapter!


A white flag popped up from one of our Pershings, fluttering freely in the wind. The crew of the Pershing came out, disappointed. They were meant to be some of the best Point had to offer, but it seems that they just didn't make the cut.

I pinched my mic and spoke, "And with that, the crew of 'Grant' has earned the privilege of calling themselves 'Knights'."

A round of applause erupted from the rest of the Tankery team who were watching the try-outs. Ever since the match against Lannes, I've been hard at work rewriting Point's style of Tankery. Before they relied on rigid formations and superior firepower. Now, I was going to make them as flexible as possible, with the only ones who can issue orders for the entire team being me.

I looked back at the crew of 'Grant', which was commanded by Juniper White. A capable commander who was unable to show her true potential under Rod Benson.

"'Grant' will begin training in their Ru-251 tomorrow morning. You will be excused from classes to do so." I said, "And with that, these try-outs are over."

Everyone got up from the bleachers that were set up and started walking off. A few stayed in their own little groups and talked among themselves. I myself went over to congratulate Juniper and her crew, they earned it. Quite a lot of crews tried out for the spot of being a Knight, with only a single one getting the spot.

I spotted Juniper waving off her crew as she stayed behind and looked at her tank. Most likely looking back at the same tank she has been commanding for the last year.

"Juniper White," I called out, "Congratulations for making the spot."

"T-Thank you, sir. I promise I won't let you down."

I smiled underneath my mask, "I wouldn't expect less."

I walked off into my office to look at our current lineup. After walking in, shutting the door, and locking each of my eight locks, I sat down into my desk and opened up my computer. Going over the lineup, I was less than satisfied. Although we could content with Saunders, St. Gloriana, Roma Nova and Lannes, we could have some trouble against Star, Britanica and Lincoln.

For now however, our tanks are fine. I went over my strategy against St. Gloriana in my head, and with the field of the match being given to us the day of the meeting, I could formulate a plan.

St. Gloriana most often uses tight formations using their heavier tanks such as the Churchill and the Matildas, while they use their faster tanks such as the Crusaders and Cromwells as a screening force. The whole field was split into an 8x8 grid, similar to a chess board. Over to the center was a ridge going down from the North-East and ending in the South, with wooded areas taking up much of the field. There are some roads to allow for easy movement, but it was pretty obvious what were the cons of using them.

As I went over our funds and equipment, I heard a knock on my door. I got up and unlocked each and every lock and opened the door to see one of our freshmen commanders, Harry Lagato. Believe it or not, he made the spot as one of our Bishops. His skills were brought out to shine from all the competition, and his drive to beat everyone else was a little frightening.


"I'm here to ask when our first match is?" Harry said.

"It will be on the 3rd, is that all?"

"I also wanted to asked what tank I'll be commanding, y never disclosed it with me."

He's right, I haven't, "Very well, it will be a Super Hellcat."

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