(The Rise of King: Turn 4) Riding on My Shoulders

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Both tank's crews went into overdrive. Both loaders for both tanks slammed their shells into the gun chamber, both drivers began maneuvering around the field and both commanders barking orders at their crews.

"Don't let them get a shot off! They can penetrate our frontal armor!" Shouted Rod.

"Bait their shots by angling our armor enough for them to think they can penetrate." King said.

John nodded while still driving the tank.

"Round up!" Kevin announced.

David peered through the gun sights, "Target in sight!"

For a newbie crew, they were pretty efficient. It honestly surprised me. And then it hit me that they told me earlier that they had some experience from middle-school.

"Aim for the Pershing's side. Hold fire until my mark."

The Pershing made it's way towards our right. I ordered John to position the tank at around a 70 degree angle to try and make the shot ricochet. The Pershing fired, with the shot glancing off the armor, leaving a black trail in the side of the Tiger.

Now it was our turn to strike.

"David, aim for the enemy's tracks. Kevin, get ready to load a shot immediately when David fires."

"Yes sir!" The two shouted simultaneously.

"Fire!" A split second after, I felt the gun rock back as it fired an 88 mm shell at the Pershing.

The shell hit the sprocket and the tank came to a sudden stop, sliding a bit to the right.

"Round up!" Kevin announced.

"Drive up to their rear." I told John.

"Yes sir!" He shouted back.

The Pershing's turret was unable to keep up with us and was unable to turn in time by the time we got to the rear of the tank.



The signature white flag popped out of the Pershing's turret. The duel was over.

"That was quicker than expected." I said to myself. I felt the feeling from earlier go away. I calmed myself down and looked over at Rachael, who looked like she was doing a double take.

"'King' has knocked out Rod's tank! Victory goes to 'King'!"

I went back into the tank to check up on the four guys.

"How are you four?" I asked.

John was the first to say something, "When are we doing this again?"

I made a genuine smile. Sure it wasn't that big of one, but it was genuine. But thanks to the mask, they didn't see it.

"Soon," I assured them, "soon..."

I got back out of the Tiger and hopped down to walk over to Rachael. As I got out, I saw Rod doing the same.

His expression was one of confusion, anger and jealousy. I chuckled a bit when I saw his face.

"Now, the terms were that if 'King' were to win, Rod Benson would hand over the position of overall commander." Rachael states.

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