(Opening Act: Turn 6) So not a filler chapter {I'm not sorry}

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"Yo, Avery!" John called out.

The guys and I were taking Sunday off at the arcade. I was currently getting the crap beaten out of me by Kevin as his character in the game launched a flurry of punches, whittling down my health with me being helpless.

"What is it?" I said, irritated, "I'm getting my ass beat here!"

"Your phone just got an 'important email'." I had given my phone to John since trying to sit down with it in my non existent pockets was near impossible.

I finally lost the game to Kevin, allowing me to bring my attention to John.

"Who's the email from?"

"Jacob Reed."

"You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention."

John gave me my phone as I read the email. Apparently they want the commanders and vice commanders to have a meeting to make friendly relations and run down the rules just in case there were discrepancies. The meeting was scheduled for tomorrow during school hours.

"They had to pick the time of my favourite class too..." I mumbled.

I was thinking of skipping it, but once I reached the bottom, the words 'Attendance is Mandatory' were highlighted in bold. I began formulating a plan that allowed me to attend without stirring up suspicion at school of my absence.

"Before you go off thinking of some sort of master plan or something," John butt in, "We agreed to take this day off."

"Right, right, got it."

I gave my phone back to John as we watched Kevin get what he deserved from George in the fighting game.

"Wah! Oh come on!"

"Hmph." George pushed up his glasses, which shone in the dim lighting.

"That's actually a thing?" John asked.

"Don't underestimate us otakus."

"I don't think you should be proud of that..." David said.

After George dethroned Kevin of his win streak, the guys and I went to my place. We didn't know exactly what to do, so we all settled to just do whatever.

George turned on some anime on the TV along with David, Kevin was on his phone playing some tank game and John noticed my Chess Board tucked in my bookshelf.

"You up for a game?" I asked.

John nodded, "Why the hell not? As long as you don't swindle me out of my wallet."

I laughed a bit at his remark. Last time we played chess together, I ended up winning $15 from him. We flipped a coin to choose who was going to be which colour. John called tails with me calling heads. The coin landed on tails, with John choosing to be the Black King. Set up didn't take too long, and in no time, we were ready. I thought of some ways to try and outsmart John. He was far from an easy opponent. John made aggressive plays with his Rooks and Queen, and with the pieces working hand in hand, he was close to beating me once. I was only able to win that time because I was able to bypass a pawn into his side. It seemed that John was thinking as well, he knew his mistake last time of leaving his flank open and allowing a pawn to get past. The two of us continued like this until I moved Pawn from E2 to E4. John, seeing this, moved his pawn from F7 to F6, halting my pawn from moving forward, effectively checking the piece.

*Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Avery and Chibi John in WWII US army uniforms glaring at each other*

"Checkmate." I moved my Knight into position, checkmating his King, giving me the game.

All Hail the King of Senshado! (A GuP Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now