(Opening Act: Turn 5) Doing My Best

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Rachael walked down the halls of her home with a sort of stride. She had some paperwork to do as the vice commander of Point's Tankery Team. Avery had basically lumped most of the paperwork onto her while he worked on training the team. Avery, at the time said that they would split the work 50/50, but it seems like Rachael is the only one actually doing the work. She didn't want to say it in front of Avery as she knew he was working just as hard as well, he just doesn't let his exhaustion show.

For now she needed to work on finishing up the paperwork for the Lycan. The tank itself was owned by the Arisato family, who were pretty well off. Rachael needed to sign some papers to submit to the NATL so the Lycan could actually be used in matches.

As Rachael walked into her room, she felt her phone vibrate. Taking it out from her pocket, she looked down at the caller.

'Doo-Doo King'

"What is it?" Rachael asked through the phone.

"What do our funds look like?" Avery said on the other side of the call.

Rachael quickly went over to the analytics of their funds. They've recently used up quite a bit buying new tanks, equipment and modules. As she went over the analytics, it seemed they had significantly less then what she had hoped.

"We're still okay, but at the rate we're spending we won't be able to make it back any time soon." Rachael answered.

"Very well," Avery went silent for a bit, probably thinking of how they could make the most of their money, "Do we have any tanks we could sell?"

Rachael thought it over, with her mind going to their old Shermans. It's been two years since they've actually used them in any real match other than training. Rachael also thought about selling their Pz IIIAs. They were fast, yes, but their armament was wholly inadequate compared to their Pershings. They could also replace them with the 90mm Bulldogs they had recently acquired.

"We could sell the Shermans and the IIIAs," Rachael said, "We could just replace the IIIAs with the Bulldogs we have."

"Sounds like a plan. I'm sure you're busy, so I'll leave you to it." Avery hung up shortly after.

Rachael went back to work. She needed to clear her desk of all the unfinished paper. She'd procrastinated for too long.

*Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Rachael casting a Voodoo curse on Chibi Avery*

As Rachael finished up, she stacked all of the papers neatly, categorizing them as well. Rachael stretched in her chair, obviously sick and tired of sitting in it for the last half hour. Rachael didn't know what to actually do now that she was finished, so she went onto her PC and booted up some strategy game for a quick little break.

Just when Rachael got into a game against the top level AI, she heard knocking on her room door. She groaned and got up to check who it was. As she opened the door, the figure on the other side became visible. It was a girl around her own age with blonde hair that barely reached her shoulders. She wore an elegant blue dress that reached her ankles and expensive looking stilettos. A stark contrast to the baggy pajamas worn by Rachael.

"Hello Rachael!" The girl said.

"Hello Denise." Rachael said in a sort of bored tone.

"Hmm, is that how you speak to your beloved sister?" 'Denise' said in a teasing tone.

Rachael sighed, "Yeah, yeah. I just have a lot to do."

"You really should take some time for yourself!" Denise suggested, "I was going to ask if you wanted to go out to eat!"

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