Sero and Mina decided to head to Kaminari's room. I walked with Kaminari to Bakugo's dorm. I knocked on the door.

"What the hell you want?" He asked. The old Bakugo.

"Hey, it's Kirishima and me," Kaminari called.

There was a quirt shuffle, then the door opened. He glanced back and forth between us. "I'll ask again. What the hell you want?"

"Calm down, bro."

"Don't call me bro." He said annoyed.

Kaminari put his hands up. "Okay. I just wanted to see if you wanted to play some video games and hang out with the squad."

Bakugo thought about it for a moment. "Sure."

Kaminari and I both looked at him shocked. We even exchanged glances.

"What? Like I'm going to miss the opportunity to kick your ass."

Kaminari chuckled. "Sero was right. Kirishima is rubbing off on you. I'll meet you guys there." Then, he quickly walked away.

Bakugo glared at me.

I shrugged. "He wanted to ask you. I wasn't going to stop him."


"Apparently, you hung out with them during lunch and actually talked to them," I explained. "So, they're getting more comfortable around you too."


I rolled my eyes with a chuckle. "Besides, I need to grab the stuff I bought. You took all the stuff with you."

He leaned out of the way, so I could pass. I walked over to his desk and saw the bag only had the small trinkets I got. I turn around and Bakugo is standing inches away. He leans in and kisses me on the lips. I kiss him back but quickly pull away.

I whispered. "What if someone saw us?"

"That's why I shut the door, genius." He smirked. He kissed the tip of my nose.

My cheeks heated up, but I couldn't stop smiling. 

He chuckled and placed our lips together. Then, we separated. 

"Do you want to tease Mina tonight or wait till tomorrow?" He asked grabbing my hand. 

"Someone doesn't like waiting." 

"Yeah, when it comes to something I love." He mumbled. I hardly was able to hear him. 

"What?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Nothing. I just don't like being patient."

Soon, we walked over to Kaminari's dorm. As we walked through the doorway Bakugo let out a 'tsk'. I let out a small chuckle, but Mina quickly dragged me over to Kaminari's bed. Sero was sitting there already. His back was leaned up against the wall. 

Kaminari was leaning up against the bed and was getting the game ready. Bakugo sat down next to him and they started playing together. I sat down next to Sero, while Mina sat next to me. 

"You seem to be in a good mood, Kiri," Mina said crossing her legs and facing me. "I've been worried about you for the past few days. I just haven't had the time to talk with you."

I patted her shoulder and gave her a genuine smile. Mina has been my best friend since middle school. "I'm fine. Just had a lot on my plate."

She smiled. "Then, are you going to tell me what you and Bakugo did today?"

I shrugged. "We just walked around." I didn't want to tell her that it was a date. "We stopped at a couple of stores. Just a simple hang out."

"That's weird," Sero said looking at his phone.

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